How do you freezer store your birds?


New member
Knowing your birds may be kept frozen for awhile, how do you store them so they last more then a couple months without freezer burn? I've heard zip locks and frozen in water. Dont really know, thats why I'm asking the experts.
I use a vacume sealer.
Or I wrap in freezer paper. I have never had a issue with freezer burn
I use 2 layers of freezer paper. If you have the option, avoid frost-free freezers. I have a frost-free though, and with two layers of freezer paper I've never had a problem with game up to 12 months.
I have tried putting them in water and seemed to work ok, the key is not allowing air to the meat so when you put the bird and water in bag, close zipper while allowing some water to squeeze out, have always done my fish that way. I recently bought a vacuum sealer and really like it so far. I have always used freezer paper as well but have not found it quite as important with the vacuum sealer.
Until this year I used the ziplock and water method and thought it was great, but this year we got a vaccum sealer and its pretty slick!
Storing Wild Bird Meat

I've had good luck with ziplocks and plenty of water but not so the meat's floating in it.
I bought a vacuum sealer made by FoodSaver. It's the top of the line Game Saver Turbo. I've been using it for the past 2 years and it does an okay job. Sometimes I don't feel it seals as air tight as it should.

Prior to the vacuum sealer I always froze them in a zip lock filled with water and that works as well as anything. Years ago when we got most of our milk in 1/2 gallon waxed cardboard containers I would collect them. Take a whole pheasant, insert in the milk container and fill with water. Worked great.
I do not remove skin or feathers. I put the whole gutted bird in a freezer ziploc bag. The birds sre in perfect shape when I skin them. No freezer burn or dried surface on the meat.
I do not remove skin or feathers. I put the whole gutted bird in a freezer ziploc bag. The birds sre in perfect shape when I skin them. No freezer burn or dried surface on the meat.
wow! thats interesting never heard of that not that i keep any i give them all away but who showed you this technique how did you learn it?
wow! thats interesting never heard of that not that i keep any i give them all away but who showed you this technique how did you learn it?

I do a lot of waterfowl hunting and figured all that down and feathers should help insulate the meat. Any meat exposed, even when double wrapped, can get dry on the outside. The skin keeps cold air off the meat which dehydrates it.
All my birds and fish are frozen in water in zip-lock bags. They last a lot longer then any other way I have found.
all my game never lasts very long before we decide to have it for a meal but if we are saving it we use ziplocks and water