How do you Dove hunt

where they at

just finished a trip to the Norton Kansas area, saw lots of dove, mostly we hunted tree rows and wheat some sunflower, and did well, water works pretty well certain times of the day however.

We hunt melon fields. Simply put a lawn chair out and wait until about 3:30pm and shoot like crazy for the next hour and a half.
while I kill a fair number of dove, I have never been into enough of them to just sit and shoot, sounds fun actually


Doves just love the melon fields. I've seen literally thousands jumped in one 80ac field. They feed a couple times a day in them.

What I have done is set up one guy or more, on each side of a 40ac melon field. When they start flying in to feed in the late afternoon you can easily get hundreds of shots if you wanted. There is a 15 limit in Indiana but a guy could shoot 150 if he wanted and probably many more.

SW IN has all sorts of melon (watermelon and cantaloupe) fields. After they're picked there are still all sorts of rotten melons that throw seeds all over. Doves love them. Another good spot is cucumber fields.