how deep is the frost?


New member
in north iowa there are water services froze all over the area. in mason city the water dept. has had a water main break every day for the last week. they have found frost 6 feet deep:eek: some people will not have running water till spring. I hope it doesn't break many gas lines. it could be a busy spring at work.
Depends, Areas without snow cover at least 12 feet. :eek:
We also have 3 feet plus snow on the level, (where not drifted)
Areas like in the woods and sheltered areas you could drive a steel stake. Our first heavy snow came early, so as to insulate the ground.
I've seen plenty of Winters when the snow came early that the pocket gophers are active making mounds all Winter.

I have a well for the cattle that has a drain hole 12 feet down. Frooze up solid about 2 weeks ago. I have a heat tape on the pipe now, no problems. :thumbsup:
I live in a northwest suburb of Minneapolis. I have a friend who bought a new house, on a cul-de-sac. his water line froze from the street into his house. It is buried 7 feet under ground! Problem is that they live on a cul-de-sac, not many houses on his end, street is plowed free of insulating snow cover, all this leads to deep frost line! Crazy spring in store for us.
Wow It was 87 today here. You guy have reminded me why I live in AZ in the winter. I hope my pipes in Wyoming have not burst. :eek:
Had about a foot on the ground a week ago! Chinooks have it all gone now. Wind was howling last 2 days and ate all the snow up. Mountains still getting pounded! Frost is starting to come out where there is no shade.:cheers:
Had about a foot on the ground a week ago! Chinooks have it all gone now. Wind was howling last 2 days and ate all the snow up. Mountains still getting pounded! Frost is starting to come out where there is no shade.:cheers:

Yea bleu,

The snow never melts in nothern colorado and wyoming I t just blows around until it wears out. lol Not far from the truth.:)
Wow It was 87 today here. You guy have reminded me why I live in AZ in the winter. I hope my pipes in Wyoming have not burst. :eek:

87 :eek: jmac! we all hope you will be OK.:cheers:
I mean:confused:

Are You able to keep the beer cold?

Up here we need to keep it from freezing. Lucky us.:(:eek:
87 :eek: jmac! we all hope you will be OK.:cheers:
I mean:confused:

Are You able to keep the beer cold?

Up here we need to keep it from freezing. Lucky us freezer necessary!

Did you guys warm up at all today? We pushed 40 degrees around here:thumbsup:. I already have tan lines:D freezer necessary!

Did you guys warm up at all today? We pushed 40 degrees around here:thumbsup:. I already have tan lines:D

Sunny, Calm day yesterday 42. Saw several turkeys, their some tough birds.
Back to below zero by the weekend. :confused:
Just for you guy's!!

I planted Potatoes today:D
Jut another day upnort.

you have one eye froze shut!! Looks like an arctic blast Mid Week or Thursday next week and then finally start to break the chain. Hang in there!:cheers:
Yup, my eye was frooze shut, just the lashes. :eek:
Mid day temps were -25 and gusts from the Arctic 40 mph.
I never had a eye freeze shut, thought I better document it. :eek::confused:
Cattle buildings are getting pretty deep with cow poo. Skid loaders getting close to the rafters. Waters stayed open all winter:thumbsup: Got ten baby calves man are they tough. I figured out this year to put mommy and baby in the livestock trailer and park it in the heated shop for a couple days:thumbsup: Mommies really approve of this:)
Man I started spelling right with spell checker:D Not for sure about touch screen my non bending fingers Im always hitting the wrong stuff:)