I would never give out specific spots of public land. But there is enough land that I'll give broad descriptions to help someone out. For instance, "I did or did not have success on my trip that primarily involved hunting (SD) east of the Missouri River, west of Mitchell, and within 80 miles both north and south of I-90. Here is the type of land and cover that I found suitable, here is what I did not. Avoid this area because it is all underwater and not worth your time after driving 1,000 miles." If you appear to be somebody that wants a specific spot, then you're probably not getting much info. If you appear to be someone who is passionate and puts in the work, then the more advice you'll get.
I first started on Public Land in SD in 2009 with poor success rates and each bird was dumb luck. With each trip and outing I have learned a lot and am now confident that with hard work, maximizing my time in the field, decent shooting, and some luck that I can have a chance to get my limit every day on SD public land. And every trip is different... last year my November trip was one of the best I'd ever had. Returned to the same general area in December and couldn't find a bird for my life.