
I'll start hunting at sunrise and don't stop until sunset. Granted I don't walk 10 miles daily but I definitely do a lot of walking. I have noticed I've slowed down a lot since my GSP started to really shine. I will be coming to SD for a week in early December but I'm not likely to come across your spots since it's my first time there. What part of the state are you in?
The part without any pheasants.
I would never give out specific spots of public land. But there is enough land that I'll give broad descriptions to help someone out. For instance, "I did or did not have success on my trip that primarily involved hunting (SD) east of the Missouri River, west of Mitchell, and within 80 miles both north and south of I-90. Here is the type of land and cover that I found suitable, here is what I did not. Avoid this area because it is all underwater and not worth your time after driving 1,000 miles." If you appear to be somebody that wants a specific spot, then you're probably not getting much info. If you appear to be someone who is passionate and puts in the work, then the more advice you'll get.

I first started on Public Land in SD in 2009 with poor success rates and each bird was dumb luck. With each trip and outing I have learned a lot and am now confident that with hard work, maximizing my time in the field, decent shooting, and some luck that I can have a chance to get my limit every day on SD public land. And every trip is different... last year my November trip was one of the best I'd ever had. Returned to the same general area in December and couldn't find a bird for my life.
I had a public spot in SW Nebraska that very few ever venture to. One day a couple of guys in a sliver Toyota followed me all day. This inside pivot corner had a nice 20 bird covey of quail that I hunted for several years. I shot two the first trip that year and went back just to give my dog Gibby some quail experience. We did shoot any that time but busted the covey and then hunted singles, still not shooting. I went back late in the season and there were 20 gauge empties all over the place. I have never found a quail there since, I think those guys in the Toyota went back and killed the whole covey.
I had a public spot in SW Nebraska that very few ever venture to. One day a couple of guys in a sliver Toyota followed me all day. This inside pivot corner had a nice 20 bird covey of quail that I hunted for several years. I shot two the first trip that year and went back just to give my dog Gibby some quail experience. We did shoot any that time but busted the covey and then hunted singles, still not shooting. I went back late in the season and there were 20 gauge empties all over the place. I have never found a quail there since, I think those guys in the Toyota went back and killed the whole covey.

that's sad, smart hunters always leave some birds intact for the next season, only assholes act that way.
The only way to ensure public hunting spots stay open is to have the maximum number of new hunters have the most success we can help them achieve. Without hunter numbers, the public land goes away. Without good hunting success, the new hunters go away.

So go back and re-read some of these comments from the eyes of someone new to the sport or the board and the assumptions being made without any evidence. These completely public spots and wildlife are referred to as my spot, my birds, my investment. Anyone new to the board might likely believe they are newbies, flies, disgusting, lurkers, assholes if they ask in the wrong way or try to emulate what you are doing right based on what you are posting.

That sense of entitlement may some day require you to buy the parcel of land that you consider yours in order to hunt it.
I don't know , you used to be able to get the same information out the newspaper, or the neighbor, or the guy at the feed store. There's is more to it now for sure, with out of state hunters being such a big part. But they are also paying more than there share with pittman roberts and higher license fees.