Sorry about the delay in responding guys. I've been too busy trying to keep up with work and the family.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to seal the deal this year. I know, I know, I'm as dissapointed as you are. We saw lots of deer, but weren't seeing many shooter bucks (they were tucked away in the corn). On Saturday, about ten minutes after legal shooting light (at night) we saw a real nice mule deer, but obviously couldn't pull the trigger. Sunday I saw a nice buck, but he was on the wrong side of the fence. We saw a couple of smaller bucks and decided to let them get bigger. On tuesday, about two minutes before the end of the day I spotted a nice whitetail. He looked really wide, but didn't seeem very tall. He was about 150 yards away, and i just couldn't get lined up and didn't feel comfortable enough taking a shot with a muzzleloader at that range. We tried to reposition, but damn, those whitetails are spooky! If it was a mule deer, he may have just stood there and watched me. Oh well, it was still a fun hunt.
The good news is the habitat looks great! The bird population looks amazong as well. I would have had multiple limits everyday if I was pheasant hunting. But you know how it goes; those birds will get smart fast, and then its back to the old game of cat and mouse with them.