

Active member
After a long hiatus due to life?s interesting and always fascinating occurrences I decided to return to the forum?

Not that anybody really missed me anyways. Least not my big black dog hovering over downed birds?. He has gone grey but not slowed any. We still pursue birds as hard as ever. I did manage to bring in a new companion. He will be a tremendous bird dog. He amazes me every time we go a field.

I've been following the forum at a distance sometimes smiling sometimes shaking my head but always with interest?.. Just figure it?s time to share experiences again?.
It has been a good year so far

Thought I would add some photos of this years adventures. We have done pretty well overall. September was busy chasing grouse and prairie chickens. October was productive for priairie chickens. We have hunted every weekend since the Kansas opener and have done very well inspite the hot conditions and birds who would prefer to run over fly....

So far 24 days afield chasing birds....




Thought I would add some photos of this years adventures. We have done pretty well overall. September was busy chasing grouse and prairie chickens. October was productive for priairie chickens. We have hunted every weekend since the Kansas opener and have done very well inspite the hot conditions and birds who would prefer to run over fly....

So far 24 days afield chasing birds....





Awesome pictures. I need to hunt chickens. They seem to always flush way out of range. Well done.
I saw a bunch on a hunt this weekend. Still cant figure out how to get close to em. If theyre in a tree they bust out. If they are feeding they bust out. Need to catch them in loafing cover I guess. Wherever that is?
Catching them in cover is the best way but to them cover is but 3" tall... :) makes it tough to get close. Midday and just right at dusk is when I have found them in cover.
I have found that if you bust a covey to just walk as fast as you can to where they came up and see if there are any stragglers. Sometimes you get lucky. Missed one last weekend doing just that. He got up to my right and a little behind. Shot behind him both shots...
Early in the season is the best time to hunt them. They tend to flush close as they are not grouped up. Singles or pairs are generally what you'll find at that time. When it gets cold they are group up and have a lot of nervous eyes watching everywhere.
I see you have decided to rejoin the forum as well.....:cheers:
Seems like a few of the regulars took a hiatus. Wonder where they're hiding..:)