Hello from SE Indiana


New member
Hi All,

Doesn't seem like its been an entire year since I was on the old forum (Pheasant Country Forum) but it seems like quite a lot has happend since I was there last. Like the old site going dead and this new site coming alive.

Change is usually a good thing and it looks and sounds like this new site and forum is going to be what the other site was like in the "good old days". Best of luck to the new endeavor and the new moderator. I pray that this site will be able to defend itself against the garbage that plagued the other one.

I have been out of the hunting mode this year for several reasons. #1 my son got married just a few weeks ago and is about to close on their first home so all of my funds and alot of efforts have gone toward supporting those 2 endeavors. #2 I was struck by a car as a pedestrian crossing the street while at work back in July and have been off work due to injuries to my knees and my back. I am very blessed that the Good Lord was watching over me and I am recovering instead of being DEAD. These things have taken me out of making any real plans to do any kind of hunting whatsoever in 2009.;)

So, I am SO happy that I spent a week in SouthDakota last year during the RECORD year. It was just me and my 4 German Shorthair Pointers who made the trip. I packed the truck with supplies, provisions, and our big tent and made it to Al's Oasis Campground for the opening week. It was great being alone and only answerable to yourself and your dogs. We hunted our butts off because we wanted to and limited every day.

That experience will just have to tied me over until 2010 when my funds and hopefully my health will be in better shape.

I wish you ALL much luck and many blessings on your hunts this year. Make sure you take care of your dogs and take your kids or grandkids hunting with you...they are our future!!!:thumbsup:

Take care,

other forum

What was the deal with the other site? people talk negative about it all the time i dont even know the name of it what was the deal?
I don't have all the details but it got attacked with alot of spam at one point. There were a ton of comments about getting it cleaned up and getting the garbage out and keeping it from getting hit again. It looks like someone got frustrated and just decided to start a NEW forum site. Maybe that was easier than trying to clean up the old one. Of course, this is just MY humble opinion as I have no personal knowledge of any of this first hand.

I used to use the old site every hunting season usually starting in late August or early September to get into the swing of things. This site is VERY similar to the old one so, if you never knew the old one then I wouldnt worry about it. This one ROCKS!!!

Take care.
I wasn't really a part of it at the end but what he said is pretty accurate. Welcome to UPH, we do rock here and we are keeping it clean........Bob
Welcome Shotgunner66! Glad you switched over. Gonna love it here! It's good all year, just gets better at this time of the year!:cheers:
If you spent time at Pheasant Country, You'll feel at home here. Many PC members moved here. Many even kept the same screen name so you should see a number of familiar names.

Glad your aboard!
