Heckling Roosters


New member
I've been heckled at at least four times this season by the "dumb", "not wild" SE WI released birds. Twice the birds were on private land over looking the parking area, one pre-hunt, the other post-hunt. Once the heckling was coming from deep in the overgrown woods, and the other was from the other side of a deep stream. In all cases the pheasant to English translation was, "Na na na na na na, You can't get me!"

They are way smarter than we give them credit.

Anyone else?
I've been heckled at at least four times this season by the "dumb", "not wild" SE WI released birds. Twice the birds were on private land over looking the parking area, one pre-hunt, the other post-hunt. Once the heckling was coming from deep in the overgrown woods, and the other was from the other side of a deep stream. In all cases the pheasant to English translation was, "Na na na na na na, You can't get me!"

They are way smarter than we give them credit.

Anyone else?

Just last weekend a rooster waited to flush beside the truck until everyone had their gun cased.
Two years ago I was hunting wild birds with my dog. I heard one cackling in a thick area of honey suckle and all kinds of other nasty brush. He was maybe 50 yards from us. I ran my dog in, worked the area best we could, but without a flush. I scratched my head and started to move towards the next area. As we walked away he cackled again. We gave it another try but he had a good system in place. lol.
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Yeah, but for all those that tease us by heckling, I get much satisfaction when one kackles while flushing and I shoot him mid kackle.....take that heckler!
Resident season this year they were walking across the section line we drove down to get to the public area we were hunting. We sat at the truck and watched 50+ walk and fly into the corner of a field not fifteen feet from my truck. All sat there in thick tumbleweeds and clucked and kackled. While we sat at the truck eating a sandwich. I could have got my limit with a slingshot.
Typically when I hear a cackle my dog will look at me with ears perked saying lets go! Most of the time the kackle comes from private land adjacent to any public stuff I walk. I haven't figured out a good way to explain that to the pup yet. Always causes me to laugh
I've been heckled so many times it doesn't phase me anymore. Well, almost. I still manage a small inappropriate response. Here are a couple heckling related stories:

1. Buddy & I were taking a break while hunting some public ground. Standing right near the fence & he says, "There's probably a rooster just on the other side of this fence saying nananana booboo!" He'd no sooner got those words out of his mouth than a rooster busted out of the grass not 10' away. Fortunately I was at least 1/2 prepared (although VERY startled) & the rooster didn't make it.

2. Walking back to the truck over some plowed field. Ditches pretty much full of snow. Only cover around was little areas of taller grass around telephone poles. All of a sudden I hear this HUGE "Cawk! Cawk!" from a pole only about 25 yards away. I can only assume he thought he was heckling me, but it was a really a bad move on his part.
YES, and I love it. Hunted this walk in area four years in a row. Same rooster, same area. Always could give me the slip. Mano y mano

It was taking out of WIHA so I like to think he died of old age. Or red tail hawk. Yep, red tailed hawk for that cocky....
So, a little more about that story.

This WIHA looked pretty pitiful from the road. But it did have a overgrown creek bottom. The possibility for quail was always the draw. This was the worst of briars, downed trees and just crap. My gear is still stained from the berries that grew along the "creek". Oh yea, the creek. Keep the dog out of that stuff. First year was a $200 vet bill for some type of skin irritation. Lesson learned.

Back up a little. My dad and brother in law where my hunting partners. The rod to get to this 1/4 section was steep and always muddy. Dads dually was also tricky getting down there and he never wanted to mud his truck up. So the adventure started before we even stepped foot on the ground.

Back forward. Stepping out of the truck. Walking that first 100 yards. Then......the chirping of a covey. The dog is over there, but I hear over there. Out of the corner of my eye, dog goes total birdy and flushes a covey. Same time covey flushes to my right. Boom Boom. Wiff,...just shooting holes in the air.

Another quarter mile of walking through the nasty flushing phez along the way and we reach the impoundment. There,...we get the rest and water we craved.

Sitting on that embankment, feet dangling below, just talking about nothing.
....caulk a dottle do....well, you get the jest. This raspy rooster is just going off on us. I look in his direction. Just sorry looking CRP and a few drainage cuts. Oh, this will be too easy. I look at my dad and brother in law, they say all yours, were whipped. I look at Trigger, his eyes say lets go!

Full of confidence, Trig and I hit the grass. Sneak up that draw and pop up right where that raspy rooster sang. Nothing. Walked rest of the draw out and all grass around to no avail.

Get back to embankment exhausted and beat. Got the full story of went down. Dad said rooster waited for us, then hit left as we went right. That followed for the next three years. Me and Trig left, rooster right. We right and rooster left, just waiting long enough to mix scent.

Damn, I really hated hunting that place. But all the hunts I had with Dad, this is one of the two fields we always talked about.

Thank you Kansas for your WIHA.

Even found some Indian bones out there one year. But that is another story.
Yesterday I was at one of the areas where a Rooster was cackling at me a while back from the adjacent private land. Well, I found him on the public side of the field and made him fly, but so many thoughts of revenge for heckling me were running through my head, I couldn't manage a shot that even tickled his feathers!!!! I guess that's what a month without seeing any birds will do to ya! Now that bird is really going to let me have the next time I'm over there! FacePalm...