Headed out

Have been skunked the last two trips out so I am headed west tomorrow. Headed to the central part of the state, hope the dog and I can stumble upon a few birds. I fear this young dog isn't getting the bird work he needs.
Good luck. I was going to go out today but just can't seem to get motivated to go anywhere today. Really need to work around the farm a little and do a few things before the really cold air hits.
Thanks guys for the positive wishes. Was out in the central part of the state and saw some birds. 2 roosters flushed 1 medium sized covey 5 hen pheasants and 2 prairie chickens. With the wind and warm temps the birds didn't hold but Drake was in pursuit of the birds. Probably a combination of me walking to close and Drake bumping the birds probably didn't help. No birds dropped but had a good time. One of these days we will get into them and connect. Right now trying not to shoot at wild flushes, don't need a pointing dog thinking he is a flusher.