The problem isn't hawks. If it were, game birds would have been extinct centuries ago. Look at Kansas. So much of the land that could be habitat isn't due to poor management. The hundreds of thousands of acres that have been allowed to turn into solid cedars, woodlands, and exotic grasslands, if converted back to habitat, would give us so many birds that we'd all need more dogs, more winter months, and more understanding bosses. Never a simple answer to a complex question. We need to quit distracting ourselves from what the problem really is, habitat.
I couldn't have ever said it better myself! AS hunters we should all be conservationists and learn what the real issues are. Habitat is key :thumbsup:
At the risk of getting lynched I'll also toss in farming practices. Up here in MN most land gets turned over in the fall creating vast wastelands of black deserts. I know its because of erosion, but western kansas is amazing at leaving cover in almost every field (except winter wheat). That's the main reason there are more jacks and pheasants in Kansas than in Minnesota.
If we ever meet I'd love to have a beer with you :cheers: