My uncle has a farm close o Lenox, used to hunt there every year since I was 12. Three years ago we went the whole season and saw only one bird. 2200 acres, really good cover, waterways, IMO its not a matter of CRP, its a matter of birds just not being there anymore. Really sad.
My dad and I just came back from Souh D, hunted around the Watertown area on public land. We had the best time, birds were everywhere even with so much corn still out. Just had to time it right-morning before noon, and then from 3:30 to sunset for road hunting. Since we hunted public, and there was a lot of good land off the beaten path, we had very good luck. We traveled light, split the bills, and stayed at a Super 8, probably did the week trip for $500 each
Did you find a sportsmans atlas for the public hunting ground? Did you take a dog? How much was the hunting license for that time period?
The reason I ask is, I am thinking about doing that later this fall when I get some free time.