Harvest Progress

Would it look like this at sunset?


Yes Sir, exactly like that.

Exactly the motivation I need to keep plugging away everyday at work......
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I suppose you would want some forbs, legumes, grains and annual weeds mixed in the CRP grass also?

M R byrd please stop teasing us with all the good grassland you may have access to hunt I would be willing to cook for the entire hunting party if I had permission to hunt that stuff
yes tease with the pictures of the good grass cover with all the legumes and good food and nesting habitat all mixed into one just like a woman tease HA LOL
Very nice Maynard! I'm happy with grass alone. Add in the rest and I can only imagine. You've got every bird hunters dream (at least mine I guess) in the the palm of your hand. One day I'll be sending you pics of my place......
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Talked to my friend who is a custom harvester tonight and said he would be finishing up his fields in 4 or 5 days then has to drop back to OKLAHOMA to finish some tardy corn!!!!!! Earliest finish on Milo for him ever!!! Says there is a ton of cover and equal amount of birds!!:thumbsup:
Just had to get another update this morning. Sounds like much of the milo is out where dad lives, but there are still a few dry-land strips that are at 25 and 26 on the moisture. Not sure why the irrigated circles were dryer than the dry land strips, but I'm not a farmer by any stretch of the imagination. Either way, he said "I was just thinking about you this morning as I was driving into town for fuel. There just seemed to be pheasants everywhere on the road this morning.....I guess there's a few more birds than I thought" (FWIW)

Oh, he also informed me that about a week after I left the area on my dove trip, the dove just started arriving in droves. Said there "Must have been a thousand or so roosting at the trailer" I've concluded that it is nearly impossible to coordinate vacation time with migration patterns.
Lacrosse Area

Hello everyone,

Been oof the grid working so I can afford to hunt this winter. Had sone of my party out just east of La Crosse and they said are getting the harvest done...combine are running hard...They said they saw some good numbers on the roads also...heading out there this weekend to work on the ranch and do some bow hinting. Will let you know what I see.

Kick'em Up!
One farmer in SW KS says his 2-40 acre dry land strips of milo are the only ones left standing in the area. Said he put wheat planting above finishing those 2 milo fields on the priority list, but expects the milo to come out right away.

Don't forget to let us know what you're seeing all across the state. I'm excited to see an opener w/ no crops in.....it's been awhile since that happened for me!
They are cuttin

Was out all weekend near LaCrosse working on my buddies farm and they have about got the milo harvesting whipped in that area. My buddy said they are about done and I saw combines runnin from KC to Hosington. Did some scouting yesterday at sunrise and it looks pretty good to me ...let my lab Ryan get a nose when we walked the back yard. FYI seeing alot of skunks so be a good idea to have some countermeasures ready. Just a few weeks and bang! KB sending you a PM