Hard core looking for friends to hunt with.

I'd like to hunt south dak. In January. Looking for people. No control freaks.I just let my dogs go,and try to keep up. Going to motel it,in small towns.
Hi Goose,
If I move to Sioux Falls maybe we can meet for coffee and go from there on a hunting trip. I never hunted pheasants but have done a modest amount of bird hunting in California.
One thing they do, is get tags for people who don't even hunt.That's not legal.They shoot into a heard of elk, wounding elk.They shoot from inside their trucks,then drive off.They spotlight at night.Generally a bunch of hicks.
There is a very big difference between a big game hunter and a poacher. There has always been trash that shoot game and fish and bird hunting isn't immune to it. I've seen plenty of breasted out pheasant thrown around parking lots and hanging off of fences. I don't hunt or shoot anything unless I plan on eating it....except for venomous snakes. I pass on a lot of game and I seldom take a limit. I know people that hunt for the meat because they have too. I'm not in that situation but I shouldn't judge them for it either....as long as it is legal.

I've never been a believer in projecting, assuming or judging others by the actions of a few....but I'm a conservative. Personally, I enjoy solitude these days more than rock, I never really liked Pontiac's and I don't appreciate loose dogs, so I always leash mine up around other people and their dogs, in town or out in the field. It avoids problems and it's the polite thing to do. If the roads are bad, I put my dogs in their kennels. It's safer for them. But you do you.

That said, I'll wave at you if I drive by in January and I'll stop to help you if you need it. Ask me an honest question and I'll probably give you an honest answer. Hunters should focus more on what we have in common. Plenty of rudeness to go around these days. I try to give hunters and people in general, the benefit of the doubt. That seems to be in short supply these days.
Hi Goose,
If I move to Sioux Falls maybe we can meet for coffee and go from there on a hunting trip. I never hunted pheasants but have done a modest amount of bird hunting in California.
Yes possibly I can make south Dakota this fall,probably late season. Last year,I didn't get in yhe area I wanted.
Yes possibly I can make south Dakota this fall,probably late season. Last year,I didn't get in yhe area I wanted.
Okay I will let you know. Right now I had to change real estate agents to sell my Condo. Hopefully the new guy will get it done. I am also open to hunting from Sioux Falls nearby areas in Iowa and Nebraska. From my point of view the less driving the better but its going to take a while to scout out the various public access areas. Minnesota is also reasonably close by so a scouting trip might be a good idea as well.
Okay I will let you know. Right now I had to change real estate agents to sell my Condo. Hopefully the new guy will get it done. I am also open to hunting from Sioux Falls nearby areas in Iowa and Nebraska. From my point of view the less driving the better but its going to take a while to scout out the various public access areas. Minnesota is also reasonably close by so a scouting trip might be a good idea as well.
I still need to put my black lab puppy,little Johnny jones" up against sage.
I’m sure goose doesn’t shoot barn yard roosters, hens and lose 10 birds a year. And I doubt an old Chevy is his inly way to get around but if he wants to bring it and it can make it to Kansas I’d hunt with him anytime
I don't use the old pick up much anymore. When I reached 60,I got soft.I do like to dump mud in the parking lot, I will admit to it.Smoking marijuana is legal.