Happy birthday labman

happy b-day to you.:thumbsup:
Thanks alot guys.... I've hit the big 34.........
I guess I shouldn't have been shocked when I opened up this site and saw Happy birthday from all you guys, but I was a little shocked. That was nice, thank you.....
Happy Birthday, nice to see you here often. Hope you have a grand day........Bob
Geez that was 42 years ago, when I last seen 34. Ah yes the joy's of youth, enjoy them while you can they go fast..........Bob
Geez that was 42 years ago, when I last seen 34. Ah yes the joy's of youth, enjoy them while you can they go fast..........Bob

Bob, you said a mouthful there. They really do go by fast, so make the most of things while you can. Seems like only yesterday I was 34, now I'm 64! :( But all's not lost. The other day I talked to a guy that is 83 and still riding his GoldWing. And no 3 wheeler or assist wheels on it either. He's going on a Route 66 tour with other Wingers. He'll ride from here to Chicago to start the tour, then on to California and back to SD. Hope I'm going strong like that in 20 years.

Anyway, Happy B-Day, Labman.