Happy birthday blackcloud

I almost forgot about BC birthday:eek: Give him hell guys I trhink he's 49 and he's aged like a dead coon (ratcoon guys) setting in the sun. Plus at the Superbowl party we said he's beard looked like an old deers walnut sack all gray and stuff:D We pick on him something feirce, but deep down we know he's one hell of a nice guy. Happy Birthday BIG Brother:10sign::cheers:

Hope the wife don't get made at the stripper thats waiting at the house when you get back:eek:
Happy Birthday BC, hope you enjoy the day. .....Bob
Happy birthday Bc, have a good one.:cheers:
Happy Birthday BC!!
Hey! Happy birthday BC.:thumbsup:
If coot gave me a cake I cut him the first piece and watch him eat it. Then I would cut me one and Thank him..........Bob