handy hints

Pain killer

I always carry a small bottle of Ambusol. Bought over the counter. Used for kids cuttiing teeth, acts like novicane. Works great removing fish hooks.
Just a tip from a trip last year where I drove out to Russell got out of the truck let the dogs out and realized I left my gun at home. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU TAKE YOUR GUN! And if you do forget it, don't go home right away. Find some place to kill a couple of hours before going home because your wife will never let you forget about it.
Boy Tim that is Big Time OOPS!!:D I think I'd have to make up a white lie versus confessing that to the wife. I definitely wouldn't tell my buddies. It's funny though because we always ask each other if we have our guns when we get in the truck to head out. Figure we can always get anything else at the local Wal Mart but gotta have the guns.
RogerWYO for the nasal spray any nonmedicated off brand will do same as the vasaline use the nasal spray whenever it is real dry such as now not every field but i use mine 2-3 times per hunt the vasaline helps with the nose cracking as they will lick it off and therefore moisturize their own noses more often I use that whenever their noses get chapped or start to look very dry CONTRARY to popular believe neither one will do anything to the health of your dog

Thanks GCB, just put some vasaline in my dog travel box.
Just a tip from a trip last year where I drove out to Russell got out of the truck let the dogs out and realized I left my gun at home. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU TAKE YOUR GUN! And if you do forget it, don't go home right away. Find some place to kill a couple of hours before going home because your wife will never let you forget about it.
I always take at least one extra, guns can have issues, or get broken in a fall.
Take a gun if your home state doesn't border Kansas. Otherwise Wal-Mart will not sell you a gun. A good thing to have is a print out from the computer on diffferent medications that you can use on dogs that are available over the counter normally for humans.Tractor Supply has some useful meds such as coagulants, anti infection, etc. You can sew a dog up if you do it quickly after the cut before the tissue dries out and gets hard. Be sure to get it extra clean, maybe pour a little peroxide on it right before suturing. Good idea to control the dog's head so he doesn't accidentally bite you. Purple spray is excellent for all types of dog wounds.