Gun Lubricant


Well-known member
Last week while hunting in some very cold temps myself and another hunting buddy had some trouble with our Benelli's functioning. I think I may have found a product that it going to work very well. I found it at WalMart. It's called "Break Free". Here's their web site:
I bought a 4 oz aerosal can of the CLP and used it in the action of my Benelli. It is really some slick stuff. By slick I mean slippery. Today when I was out in single digit temps with 10-15 mph wind the action on my Benelli functioned like it was 90 degrees outside. No drag at all. This stuff has an operating range of -65 F to 475 F.

Anyone else have any experience with Break Free?
I don't put anything into that action of my Montefeltro...I may wipe the gun down if it gets wet, but NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING gets sprayed into or onto that action...I may take it apart and wipe everything off with a dry rag, but that is it...your product sounds interesting, but until my gun quits working, I will stick with the dry approach. Happy Hunting....
Benelli Cold weater FTF

I have a Benelli M1 and it frequently will not feed the third round from the tube into the action. I think the problem is related to the spring in the magazine more than anything else. Anybody else have any ideas?
I have a SBE and have experienced exactly what you are talking about, and ditto on the mag spring and 3rd shot jamming. I have been to both extremes, dry and spitting oil. I agree, if possible the totally dry would be best, but it seem the cold, dust, powderresidue all contribute to a bolt that "sticks" on the back end and wont return without help. I have used a synthetic gunscrubber that I blast out powder, dirt, debris and it evaporates to leave a "film" I read somewhere that the amigos in Argentina use benelli's and berretas on the doves. Guns that get shot 1000 times a day. They use #1 diesel fuel. Which makes sense, the solvent action works and it leaves a greasy film residue when it evaporates. I am going to use a 409 bottle with diesel in it this month and see.