Gsp training help..


New member
My 3 yr old gsp has everything to be a good bird dog. I've been messing with him with a pheasant wing and he points everytime. His obedience is great just need some help on what to do next with him... Thanks
Get rid of the pheasant wing. You're only encouraging sight pointing.

Next, take him hunting.
Ok that makes sense now that u say that.. I'll have to get him out this weekend. So he's either gonna point by just the smell of the pheasant when he close or he's not right. Or is there a way to help encourage that behavior?
The "point" and "smell" part of the equation has been taken care of by hundreds of years of breeding.

What you have to teach is manners. If you are fortunate enough to have access to A LOT of wild birds that will teach the dog these manners over the course of repeated contacts, then you are fortunate and will be well on your way. Just get him out in the field.

If not, then there are a lot of things that can be done with non game birds (i.e. pigeons, liberated quail and chuckers, etc.) that will help speed his progress.

It sounds like you're starting from scratch. Do some reading and try to find a local mentor to help you get started. Attending a field trial, Pheasants Forever or Ruffed Grouse Society banquets are good places to start.

"How to train a bird dog" is a bit beyond the scope of an internet forum. Lots of good folks here that can help with specific questions as they come up.

Good luck and enjoy the ride.
He should point by the intensity at which his nose smells the bird. Don't get discouraged if it takes him a bit to figure out when close is too close. If you can try and get him on some coveys of quail, they are much better for a younger dog experience wise and really help his self confidence too. GSPs by nature are pointers so don't worry about him not knowing that and if he is as eager to please as any other GSP I have seen he will want to make you happy afield. Good luck and let us know how he does. Pics are always good too when trying to explain things that he may have done while afield.
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Thanks alot that helps more than u know!
My 3 yr old gsp has everything to be a good bird dog. I've been messing with him with a pheasant wing and he points everytime. His obedience is great just need some help on what to do next with him... Thanks

Couple questions here. First, the pheasant wing on a string thingy is something you would normally play around with once or twice with a 7-8 week old puppy. Not sure why you would need to do this with an adult dog?

At 3 years old has this dog been hunted before?

More info needed.
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