Grouse Opener !


Well-known member
Well it's finally time to do some real hunting again. We will be heading to Bradford County. How about the rest of you guys?
My youngest has a few more practices for flag football so I won't be going out for grouse. I will run the dogs through the woods in the afternoon in hopes to find a woodcock or two. Good luck on Saturday.
I went through the same things when my children were younger, blink your eye and they will be the ones driving you to your favorite spots! Good luck to you Saturday also! I think you may do very well on Woodcock this weekend, we have been seeing quite a few and last year they were all over the place!
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I won't be going for grouse, but have a couple of kids off of my soccer team that Sadie and I will be taking out. Good luck, and be safe.
How did some of you do?

I hunted a small swampy section of woods that I find woodcock in sometimes. The dogs hunted well but no woodcock were found. I think I'm a few weeks early from past experience. But the dogs did have a point on a small covey of quail (I was hunting close to the area where I have the johnny house). A guess a point on birds is better than nothing at all. These quail have been out on their own for at least 4 or 6 weeks and don't want to recall. I was glad to fine them.

Here is a picture of the dogs:

They sure were muddy after we were done and needed a bath. Good luck next weekend!
In response to the pictures above!

What a beautiful morning! Nice chilly temps in the high 20's, great dog work,and some bird action. We had some good close flushes, but no "safe" shots because of the foliage. We even managed to flush an old magnificent Rooster!


Those quail you release continue to amaze me, they seem hardier then the normal pen raised birds! Good job.
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Very nice pictures. Glad you had some action today. Wish I was able to get out more today but there is plenty of time left. I put in to have the first Monday of the pheasant season off so I'm looking forward to that day. And I can't forget about those sick days (darn bird flu gets me every fall).

The quail are doing well. I was a little suprised to see them since I've been seeing a hawk in the area a good bit. But I guess that's what good cover can do. Good luck next Saturday.