I'm just guessing that anyone who grew up "road hunting" in SD has ground pounded a rooster. I've shot maybe a handful Arkansas style, but not in the last 35 years. I will, however, swat a crippled rooster if I feel it's completely safe & necessary (even w/ a good dog) to recover the animal I've just crippled. Yes, it is entirely possible to make a safe ground swat, even with a dog "on the ground", especially when you, your dog, & that rooster are the only ones around. I'm fully aware of my ability or inability in a situation to put a shot where I want it, when I want it, & what my pattern will do once I pull the trigger. That becomes more difficult once you add people &/or dogs. Just too many unknowns. I'm more conservative around others' dogs, & I've noticed the same thing with those I hunt with. They're more conservative around mine. I'm faced with such a situation maybe once a season. All the planets have to line up just right. If they don't, I don't take the shot.
I only hunt with another hunter (& probably his dog) about 5 times a season; otherwise, I'm alone w/ Ace. I only hunt with people I know well & trust to make smart decisions with their gun. I do agree, for the safety of all, that in a group situation, the law has to be "no shots on the ground....None!" Similary, if anyone I hunt with would like to make a "no shots on the ground" rule, I'll gladly honor that. I'd expect the same from them.