OK, here's a philosophical question: When, if ever, is it OK to swat a bird on the ground?
I was discussing this at work as a bit of a debating point. My view is, I swatted some grouse on the ground as a kid, but now that I have dogs and some sense of fair chase, I only wingshoot. My debate adversary, a salty fellow who grew up on a farm, said if you are hunting you mean to feed yourself -- abandon the pretense and fill your bag. You bought the license and you follow the rules take `em any way you can.
I was discussing this at work as a bit of a debating point. My view is, I swatted some grouse on the ground as a kid, but now that I have dogs and some sense of fair chase, I only wingshoot. My debate adversary, a salty fellow who grew up on a farm, said if you are hunting you mean to feed yourself -- abandon the pretense and fill your bag. You bought the license and you follow the rules take `em any way you can.