great site

I have been surfing the web and I havent found another site that has as much interaction between members and as many diversified conversations as this one right here. great job for this site web guy:10sign:
I agree also, there isn't a better forum than here..........Bob
I agree great site. I belong to another forum that isn't half as good. I have been looking through old threads and man there are some great info and conversations. I encourage any new members like myself to read some of them. Again great site.
I Agree!!! Great Site!!! Let's keep up the good work and set the bar high!!!!:10sign:
super site. great bunch of guys. lots of fun and laughs. only flaw is capt coot. by the way the great coot is on vacation what should i do to him?
Appreciate the comments guys. You will see me surface more around hunting season, it's been a busy summer, plus we have a overhaul of coming soon.
super site. great bunch of guys. lots of fun and laughs. only flaw is capt coot. by the way the great coot is on vacation what should i do to him?

I say go and find yellow police tape and wrap it around his house with a chalk out line of a body in his driveway.
find out what day he is coming back and put vasaline on all the door knobs so he wont be able to open the door and he wont have a rag to wipe it off so he will enevedably have to use his shirt and it will be all over his clothes what a mess but it would be funny
cool should i add some red paint and shell casings? thats much better than the time i painted jeff gordans # 24 on his dog. dog was po'd must have been an ernhardt fan.
he he he. i found a way to work in the area of his farm today. he should not of left the keys in the truck or rhino when he left. hid them both in the honeysuckle rows behind the sweetcorn patch.:D let the guy watching the farm know so he wouldnt get nervous. thought about opening the cab windows on the john deere and puting corn on the seat for the sparrows and starlings but was not sure who owns that tractor. i know this will prove my guilt but he wont read this till long after he finds truck missing. there will be reprocsions but i ain't afraid of no coot:p
i agree web guy, this is the best forum on the web. thanks to you and the all the mods.:10sign: