great day shot to hell


New member
woke up sun was shining, birds were singing, cool temps life is great. only worked a half day went to iowa state fair with my youngest son. had a wonderful time. went to bass pro found every thing i needed( or wanted) had a good drive home and talk with son. what could possibly shot this day all to hell?:( get home and recieve a letter from the IRS.:eek: OH CRAP:eek: they claim 2009 taxes were under paid:confused: ought to be an interesting meeting tommorrow when i find our tax preparer
woke up sun was shining, birds were singing, cool temps life is great. only worked a half day went to iowa state fair with my youngest son. had a wonderful time. went to bass pro found every thing i needed( or wanted) had a good drive home and talk with son. what could possibly shot this day all to hell?:( get home and recieve a letter from the IRS.:eek: OH CRAP:eek: they claim 2009 taxes were under paid:confused: ought to be an interesting meeting tommorrow when i find our tax preparer

Just got a similar letter and had to have a meetin' with the CPA. He said I paid and he will show that to the IRS. Whew! I hope you're as lucky.
I'm glad the IRS only goes after the BIG guys.:)
Bc That would screw-up anybodies day. Hope it turns out well for you. Maybe you will find out that you over paid and get some back.
IRS? International Rooster Society?
YEA i'm safe the IRS made a mistake. they sent me a bill for almost $11000 this included penalty and intrest for 2009 taxes. they even included a form to start a payment plan. seems they added the original 1099 forms and the amended 1099's together and thought i under reported income.