
like haymaker said cattails are great if you have the low lands from them. but if you looking for a grass I always recommend switch grass. It seems to hold up better than other warm season grasses through winter. Cool season grasses.....I'd stay away from. They mat down after the first snow or two. --1pheas4
For Iowa, What would be a great winter cover grass? Just looking for winter protection no nesting benefits.

PA, Switch is good but most warm season CRP mixes require a diverse mix and I agree. This is what I put into 70 acres last spring.

Indian Grass
Big Bluestem
Little Blue Stem
Switch grass
Side Oats Grama

Use 4oz of Plateau as needed post emergence after plant. Try to plant around May 1 or when soil temp approaches 70 degrees.
The best bird holding CRP planting I have is 20 acres planted as follows % of seed in mix
Switch Grass 40%
Tall Wheatgrass 30%
Western Wheatgrass 30%

This is a Farmed Wetlands planting and is considered a CRP 27(4.9 acres) and CRP 28 (14.7 acres).:D
Uguide, you answered my next question when to plant. There's no wet area. All ready have a buffer stip near by with CRP mix. I just want an area for winter protection next to some trees. It looks like switch and maybe a strip or two of pampas grass.