Grand Finale KS Hunt???


New member
I am thinking of trying to make my first run to KS ever as a grand finale of sorts to this current season - a 2-nite/3-day hunt (MAYBE 3-nites/4-days on the outside-chance I'm really lucky) sometime between the wknd of the 23rd & the final/closing wknd of the 31st (and preferably midweek just prior to or in between - say a TH/FR/SAT)...Would really like to specifically focus in on an area that holds good potential for both roosters & quail in the mix.

Any of you guys interested in coming along/teaming up??? I would love to hook up with at least 3-4 guys & several dogs, but would settle for just two of us and a couple dogs - don't really like going this kind of trip alone. Especially anyone with previous experience in KS would be very helpful/welcome...I plan on hunting both WIHA's & knocking on a lot of doors. I have done quite a bit of preliminary homework/research & do have several areas in mind, but it sure would be nice to narrow it down a little with someone who's been-there, done-that. A 2-nite/3-day hunt doesn't really allow for a lot of time to waste & I don't want to spend it ALL in scouting & learning the ropes just in time to have to leave (been-there, done-that one too many times :) ).

Sorry to have to be so frank for a moment here, but since we are dealing with the possibility of total strangers hunting together - a few ground rules & an initial understanding would be very helpful for all...For compatibility's sake on this particular trip (or it won't be a fun trip, I promise) - hunter safety & experience is absolute paramount, and if you have a dog it must be under complete control & get along well with other dogs. Not asking for perfection (neither I nor my dog are capable of that either) - just good, solid MANNERS!!!

I am also a quarter-&-flush labrador man, so not sure a pointer guy would work out well - I have no objections whatsoever, but figure the difference in styles might wear on the patience of a true pointer aficionado. Also, my dog is well-trained & hunts close - but I do chatter & whistle a bit sometimes in handling (this may bother some of you who are farther along with your dog than me - but it hasn't kept me from personally bagging a minimum of two roosters toward my 3-bird CO limit on every single trip out yet so far :D ). 'Chance' & I haven't quite reached the totally-SILENT level of dog/man communication between us yet (though that is my goal to have this one final touch finished-off before next year) - but for now I am far more interested in instilling/reinforcing proper CLOSE flushing work & manners than just seeing how many birds I can get in the bag. I refuse to even squeeze-off a shot to reward my dog for bad behavior (i.e.--long-range flushes, chasing wild after the flush, ect.) & I don't really care to hunt with guys who are not on the same page. That makes it awful hard for me to continue teaching good manners to my dog & also reduces both me and Chance to having to take a backseat & watch somebody else's out-of-control knucklehead do all the wild flushing & retrieving while I make my dog mind his manners! :mad:

You do not need to have a dog to be considered for this trip, but you do need to at least have a mentality that is somewhat compatible. I WILL NOT get in a foot-race after pheasants like many dogless hunters prefer! I only hunt the kind of cover that is going to be at least somewhat conducive to helping birds "hold". I won't even bother getting out of the truck in open footrace country/conditions. Personally, I could care less about all the wild-runners & flushers blowing-out way ahead on the sides and ends (though they are both fun & sometimes frustrating to watch). I'm just looking for that one or two stupid (or really smart) birds that try to hunker down or double-back. Hey, it's worked out pretty well for me so far all season long! :D

If this sounds like it might be your kind of hunt, PM me & I'll get back to you! Regardless of the number of birds actually in the bag - we'll have a good time & some adventure, I promise!!! :thumbsup:

P.S. Even though I do happen to be a minister, what you do when we are not hunting is your business - I am not a policeman! Might even have a beer or two with you in the evening, but I don't really go for for slobbery drunkenness or any drinking period while we're hunting! If you smoke, please just keep it outside the hotel room or my car (when we're in yours, I could care less)! :)
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Cowdog, I can't tell - did that "WOW" have neg or pos undertones?...I was merely going out of my way to make sure there was a very clear understanding going into it for all parties involved on such a potential/proposed "blind date" (Ha-Ha). The only "surprise" I want for anybody on the trip is the occasional rooster nearly giving us a heart attack by getting up unexpectedly under our feet! :)

This will be a fairly long trip for me, with a lot of energy & $$ invested, and relatively little time to hunt...I don't want to spend all my time on this special end-of-season hunt behind somebody else's out-of-control/untrained dog or with the type of of high-speed fly-thru dogless hunter that doesn't have the patience for or enjoy good dog work (which is the primary reason why many of us are out there). Other than that, I'm a very easy person to get along with & it's all good!!!

There are all types of hunters in this world - none necessarily right or wrong - but at least some measure of same-page compatibility is necessary if those of us that choose to hunt together are ALL going to enjoy the experience!

Sorry for the overkill, but I am new to CO (have only lived here a little over a year). I do have many friends of all kinds both local and national/international - but as of yet not too many fellow bird-hunting fanatics who live close enough nearby and/or can manage to get the time off for such a multi-day trip.

For the record I have had MANY good times & made several lifelong friends hunting & fishing with previously total strangers who happen to share the passion, met in some odd way such as this! The occasional "duds" that didn't work out have been relatively few-&-far-between in comparison. :thumbsup:
@copheasanthunter (Jim): I live in the Denver area.

@jlmatthew: I attend 'LMCC' (easily googled on the web), but I do not work for any church. I work for a rather large church-related missions/outreach & humanitarian non-profit much like the Billy Graham/Samaritan's Purse organization.

@only-a-pointer: Don't know where that reply went??? :confused: But I did get your PM & sent you a reply as well. Will be in touch.

@Waterwolves: I know this is CO with it's brand new "green" laws (or should I say non-laws), but "Homie don't play that"! ROFL...I left all that stuff behind 30 yrs ago, but unlike BC - I def did inhale once-upon-a-time.
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Lookout Mtn I take it. I didnt know there were any Christian Orgs outside of the Springs, I thought we had them all LOL!

I was just curious, I attend PPCC, aka Pikes Peak Christian Church in case you dont want to google it
Hey HHR, just skimmed your post/invite. I was thinking of trying to do something in KS around that time as well. Recently I have set up one last trip to Nebraska with the family on the 19th, but it may still be possible to meet up.

I am a lab man also, so no worries there. I will keep you informed if it may work, it would be awesome!
I let both just run together on rooties who cares. Quail I get defensive. Anyways good luck too many rules for me. Just supposed to be about the experience. I hate whistles too.