Grainfield Tourism Video


Active member
GCB, after we met I stopped at the tourism visitor center there in Grainfield and they gave me this invaluable video! I notice you are on here a few times. You must have a lot of connections there!!!!! LOL Have a good week!!!!I can't figure it out without giving access to my albums, Sorry!! I will send you an E-mail!!
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Are you joking...grainfield has a tourism video?

If its for real pm it to me...Curious what a small town tourism video looks like. ha!
hey now brother chad dont forget you married our first cousin twice removed and once reentered HA LOL :D After we found her at the funeral not the reunion
In person it's gonna be a mess...
thank goodness sake, i hate to think what might happen ifin ya had a little to drink, heard tell it sounds a little like banjo musik down in thye holler.
Dude can you get me one of those tapes from the tourist center, if you can or I mean if you will I will pay you for the tape, gas to get there and postage to mail it cause kansasbrittany told me you were a real Kansas Red Neck hillbilly who married your 3rd cousin twice removed on his grandpappys side, two decades more removed than 10 years opposite of removed. anyway how bout it. I ain to da*n sure that even makes sense, but I will reimburse ya fur your cost and all.
appreciate it in advance :)
After sending that video, I am going to owe him a haircut or a case of Billy Beer!!!!! He looked like a Stud back then though!! Bet the chicks were all over him!!!:eek::eek::eek::10sign::cheers:
you noticed he said at heart, do you think he finally realized the good days are behind him :) you know one of those things that what you use to do all night now takes you all night to do, well if you can. Thanks for viagra :thumbsup: oh yeh, that redneck kansas boy don't know anything about viagra, he is so far out in the sticks he aint got no tv reception so he dont know about it. maybe that is good.:) what you say GCB
its better to take all night than not at all and viagra doesn't have anything on raw oysters and beer
its better to take all night than not at all and viagra doesn't have anything on raw oysters and beer

raw oysters and beer, sounds like a red necks version of viagra dont it now, at least with oysters and beer you don't run around, or I guess walk around with a problem fer 4 hours though, well maybe so i cannt rightly say so fur sure, fur either ones of em, aint aimen to find out, i still can do what i use to do all night. 1 hour to think bout it, 1 hour to convince her, by then ive forgotten what i was even talking to her about, 1 hour to remember, 1 hour to get where i am able to, by then i forgotten again. then it hits me and shes done went it aint to late and after an hour of arguing i figure the hell with it tommorrow night is another night and ifin i dont forget, well someone might get lucky.
the benifits of ole age, noqw what were i talking about oh yeh, hell i forgot again.:(

couldnt be about woman i never forgets about them:rolleyes: