gove county britt sick as a dog

the ole redneck gove county britt is as sick as a dog, talked to him today and he could hardly talk,got a case of the flu he said and on top off that his sons truck broke down and in the process of helping his son tow it in he hurt his elbow, said he can not even shoot a gun if he had to. The ole GCB's computer is on the frits right now so you can not e mail him or I guess it still is. If you know his phone # give him a call, nothing better than get him up while he is trying to sleep. heck call him than as he answers hang up, than in about 5 minutes call him back. :)
the ole redneck gove county britt is as sick as a dog, talked to him today and he could hardly talk,got a case of the flu he said and on top off that his sons truck broke down and in the process of helping his son tow it in he hurt his elbow, said he can not even shoot a gun if he had to. The ole GCB's computer is on the frits right now so you can not e mail him or I guess it still is. If you know his phone # give him a call, nothing better than get him up while he is trying to sleep. heck call him than as he answers hang up, than in about 5 minutes call him back. :)

Ive been sick since last friday. still am. I think i got a case of bronchitis
Next time he might put the emergency brake on, that way the truck won't roll over his arm and put him out of commission !!!! GCB, take some shine and put a little honey in it and sip till she's gone!!!!! Hope this ain't another ploy to get off work and go bird hunting????!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::cheers:
I believe he has the Brit flu from kissing his dogs on the lips, I never seen a guy baby his dogs like he did, heck I had to sit in the back of his truck so his BABIES could sit up there in the cab with him. Said it was to cold back there for them. :) I believe you know better than that.
Tell him to reach down and wipe the sand out of his $*%&..... Puss.

Get Well Gove Co. Britts

Get well and speedy recovery, friend, for there are a couple weeks left in the season.
He must be feeling better, I seen him on here earlier today......Bob
:Dyes gentlman I am feeling alot better but not 100 % thanks for all the thoughts and ideas on how to get better 1 more hot tody tonight and i believe i will be better unfortunately this was not a plight to go hunting but a real sickness I even saw the grim reaper and he was pointing downwards and i refused to go back to hell so i am still here to anoy you all on here :cheers::cheers:
well i know where the dogs mouth is but not sure where mine has been :D at anyrate hopefully i am done with this crap and can enjoy the last weekend of hunting
yeh he knows where his dogs mouth has been as he kisses them all, every last one, good night. Not a pretty sight :) but at least he kissed them where they eats not where they shitz.
I talked to the ole GCB and he told me to tell ya that your the one with the sand up yur puss. Said he knew you still had it packed up yur vag*na since ya left Kansas some time back. Don't know what he is talking bout but he says youd know what he wur talking about.