Got my limit today...


New member
on trash!!!

Decided to get in one last quail hunt before the season closes tomorrow. Birds weren't biting so the dog and I decided to pick up the garbage around a parking area. This is from one small parking area on public hunting ground in about 15 minutes.

I'm guilty of leaving empty shells on the ground from time to time, but for the most part, I do try to pick them up.

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wow that is a ton of shells on the ground must be a ton of pressure there isnt that pitiful all that trash i dont pick up emptys either all the time but i def would never leave one bit of other trash
Rhodi, thanks for picking up the trash of some other inconsiderate fools. Good thing you are out there doing the right thing. I appreciate it very much.
I'm in no way trying to sound self-righteous on this post. It's just that I read a post on this forum a while back about picking up empty shells and such, and it got me thinking about what I was doing to make things better. I had hunted this area a few times this year and kept seeing all the garbage on the ground, but just kept saying I should pick it up one of these days, and yesterday was that day.

Besides, that pile of shells could have been representative of me trying to hit one quail in a single hunt. :eek:
So many people today are just plain inconsiderate slobs, whether in the field or on main street. A total lack of respect for nature and/or their fellow citizens. Yesterday I stopped at Walmart. When I came out someone had thrown two used diapers on the ground next to my vehicle. Good thing I didn't see them or they would of had those diapers packed up some place where the sun doesn't shine. Same goes for those people that leave their shopping carts all over the parking lot. Think one of those carts might fit up someone's a$$? :D I might be tempted to try some day!
I completely agree. I'll admit I'm not good with the shell thing because many times I hunt and do not have a dog, but I agree on the trash. I'm getting very sick of seeing cans and boxes covering the dishes. Lately while scouting some areas, I've been noticing trash bags. I almost wonder if some people are throwing them out to save money on paying for dumpsters or trash stickers.