Got my first birddog returned:(


New member
Well I train bird dogs, and today was my first return. I trained this male dog for the last year and a half, I think he was trained right but the buyer says he ain't worth a penny. So here is the deal, he bought the dog and took it out to field with birds in it. He said the dog ran out and started to hunt the field and looked really good, he said the dog came back and humped his leg and then picked up a stick and started shaking it around. Well the guy came back to me and said it was a un-trained dog and he got ripped off! Well I told him he needed learn the dog a little better, I told him the dog was just fine, he was telling him there were more fu--ing birds out there than you can shake a stick at.;)

You sucked me in on that one. LOL
Ive heard the same joke told a little different way. Guy goes to a trainer to buy a dog. To show off the dog, the trainer takes the guy, and the dog out to the field. The dog barks once. Trainer says "there's one bird in this field". They release the dog and it points one bird.... The guy is impressed, but doesn't believe it. Trainer takes the dog to another field, and the dog barks 3 times. Trainer says "theres 3 birds in this field". Sure enough, the dog goes out and points three birds.... The guy decides its the best dog he's ever seen and buys it on the spot... 2 years later the guy runs across the trainer in a bar in SD. The trainer asks the guy how he likes the dog. The guys says "I shot the damn thing". Trainer asks "why the hell'd you do that". The guy says well, we went out to a field yesterday, and before that the dog had been doing a fine job. The dog ran out into the field, and then ran back and started humping my leg. Couldn't get the damn thing to stop, so I shot him". The trainer shook his head as a tear started to fall. He said "You stupid idiot. The dog was trying to tell you there's more f*&^ing birds out there then he can count!":cheers: