Got a Room


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Hey guys, I'll be rolling into Dodge City Sunday afternoon and staying at the Best Western-Western Hills. Any suggestions on restaraunts on a Sunday evening?
Jim, I think I heard that the Maynard Chop House has an excellent menu!!! Sorry Maynard!!! Jim, have fun out there and get that new dog some work!:cheers:
:D Haven't heard from M.R.Byrd in awhile...hope his GSP Murry is doing better.
Maynard's Chop House will have fresh crappie on the menu tomorrow night. Like crappie?

Murry Dog is doing better. The vet gave him a cortisone shot and he had been really good until the last two days, when he wakes up he has a nagging cough. I think at the moment it is allergies. It is so dry at the ranch and I have plenty of weeds around headquarters and he is in those every day.

Jim, I have a new cell phone number. I will send you a PM or email. Maybe we can get together while you are in town, and I say maybe, because my wife will find out Thursday if surgery is in her near future.

BTW, seeing a few pheasant, quail and chicken in my travels. Lots of turkey, but no fall season at the Ponderosa. Plenty of deer, but no wall hangers yet. A few elk, but no hangers there either(yet). Lots of coyotes, badgers and porcupines. A few bobcats and one mountain lion with a kit. Call it wildlife central.