
Used to. Was into Snow goose hunting for a bunch of years up in NoDak. Lot of work and early rise to set up 500-1000 decoys. Most times the Geese won the battles and I ended up with a nice long nap in the layout blind.
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Yes. There are no pheasant or quail to speak of here in Maryland, so ducks and geese are it as far as bird hunting. It is a lot of fun calling the geese and trying to fool them in to coming to your decoys. I love to pheasant hunt, but have to go to a preserve here in Maryland to hunt them or go just north of here to Pennsylvania and hunt the stocked birds they release on their state game lands, OR go to South Dakota which I have done 4 times now.
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Yes, somthing pretty cool about calling in geese over decoys and having them feet down before you sit up. I grew up hunting Canada geese in southern MN, as there were very few pheasants (and I didn't have a bird dog).

I go north of the border once a year to hunt snows and whitefronts. Always a good time and cool to see 100,000 geese in a day! :D
I haven't got into goose hunting yet but I plan on starting after I figure out duck hunting. It looks like a ton of fun and from what I've read they are one of the smartest game birds out there.
I like to hunt them also. Here in Houston, we used to be the major wintering ground for snows, blues, little canadas, and specks but with all the major development and loss of rice farms it is no longer what it used to be. Nothing like having tornadoes of geese dipping and diving to get into your spread.
Not so often now, but I used to do it fairly frequently. I still hunt them over dekes once or twice a year. And I will jump or pass shoot them when the opportunity presents itself.:D

I pulled my calls out of the truck console on the way home from deer hunting last weekend. Whew... good thing my buddies can still call!:eek::eek: I was terrible!
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Alternate Name/Snow Goose

I used to chase the snows around, alot of my eliteist buddies called them sky carp. It was fun the few times you'd get favorable weather conditions to really have a big shoot. The Canadas were really cool when they would come in. I guess I'm getting soft in my old age, you know those damn things mate for life?:D
you know those damn things mate for life?:D

Yes I do and they can live a long time. I once shot mature snow that had a band and when I got the information back on the band, I found out the bird was at least 17 years old...:eek:

Yes, I have been hunting our local Canadian Geese since 1994. My first pheasant hunt was in 1999. There aren't any wild pheasants in my part of Michigan so my yearly trip to SD is all the pheasant hunting I get. Geese hunting this year was poor in my area. The birds were gone early. That's rare as I can only say it has been "World Class" over the past 10 years. I'm lucky with geese since I can hunt on a couple local farms (With the farmers) so the only cost is my license and ammo. We pool our decoys so I only need the 12 I have. It's great fun!

Lock and Load! :D
Just a pet peeve of mine...they are called Canada goose (singular) and Canada geese (plural)...not Canadian geese.
Me and my buddies have been known to shoot a few geese...... and ducks:D