Good Monday


Active member
Took the wild bunch out yesterday morning for a little quail run. We hunted a couple hours and got our daily exercise. It was a really nice morning with the mud still pretty frozen, but the creeks had some open water to cool the dogs off. Just about perfect conditions, honestly.:D

It was especially good because we did something that hasn't happened to us in a long time... While fooling with the singles from the first covey, we hit another covey! Some of you guys probably have access to good places where this is common, but it's pretty rare for this guy so I was thrilled.:thumbsup:

The dogs did great, and I was so happy to be able to get a lot of birds in front of them in a short amount of time. The first single we came to from the first covey, I wish I had used my camera instead of my gun, because the dogs just happened to be side by side and both locked up at the same moment. It would have been an awesome picture... Oh well, it's stuck in my memory anyhow.

I harvested a couple from the first covey and one from the second, leaving plenty for seed, and then unloaded and just said "good girl" and loved 'em up when I flushed the bird.

Let me just say it was a heluva improvement over walking all day, eating dust, and then having the only birds of the day flush wild 100 yards ahead... I'll probably try to get out again a time or two before the season ends and get some better pics of the dogs on point. If I see numbers like this again, I might even shoot a couple.



CONGRATS.....thats a nice hunt there....I probably wasn't too far away from you but had a tough day ....I'm back after 'em today though...hoping for better results..
There you go! Thats a great day.
I love getting after the quail, with a few pheasant or prairie chickens mixed in, every now and then :thumbsup:
Thanks guys.

I'm thinking I'll get out again for a couple hours on Thursday or Friday, and probably try to bring the digital SLR and get some point pics... assuming the birds cooperate. :laugh: The camera will be first, and the shotgun will be an afterthought.

I've totally accepted the fact that I will not be filling the freezer with birds this season, but it would be nice to get one or two more quail and several dozen nice pics of my beloved gals.
Good stuff. Reminds me of the good old days in Texas when you never hunted singles because the dogs were always on the next covey before you had a chance. That's when you know it's good!
thats a good plan.....I usually always grab the camera first...its costs me a shot at the bird (s) sometimes but I'm always trying to out do the pics I already have:)
thats a good plan.....I usually always grab the camera first...its costs me a shot at the bird (s) sometimes but I'm always trying to out do the pics I already have:)

You have been posting some nice pictures. I've really enjoyed them. I'm terrible about it. I had my Iphone in my pocket the whole time on Monday and even after I unloaded my gun I still took very few pictures.

I'm still kicking myself about not getting that side by side point. They were super intense and perfectly lined up for a photo, and I thought, "I will want to remember this forever", as I walked in, flushed the bird and shot it... :laugh: Before the Iphone, I carried a point and shoot in my pocket all season and almost never took it out. I'm terrible that way.

I asked my wife to make sure the good camera is charged up for Friday so I can take pictures of the dogs and she just rolled her eyes at me. :rolleyes: She knows me so well... :laugh: