Gluten Allergy


About a year ago I found out that I have a food allergy to gluten. It is extremely inconvenient but I have gotten used to it. Since I have been gluten free, probably 10 or more people I know have done the same.

I am wondering if anyone else on the forum has a gluten or food allergy and how did you find out.
]I am wondering if anyone else on the forum has a gluten or food allergy and how did you find out.


My Mom does and so does my buddies Mom. She had to avoid Gluten for years and then finally she went down to Rochester, MN and got some drugs she takes daily, but now she can pretty much eat everything with no issues. I think she only has issues with Caffeine which she has to stay away from. Other than that, she can pretty much eat everything now... but yeah, for years... wow. Virtually nothing she could eat.

JS, my wife has celiac's brought on somehow by childbirth. Never had it before!!! She is extremely sensitive to gluten now. You can't even put one crouton on a salad and then take it off and she will be sick in 30 minutes. It was a pain at first, but have got cooking down pat and there is a few gluten free stores around as well. Last night went out to eat for her B-day and they had a gluten free menu. She was sick before we left . We do not eat out much!
Are we talking about an allergy or celiac disease?

Both I guess. I tested negative for a wheat/gluten allergy and negative for celiac as well. They told me to still try gluten free anyway and when I did all of my sypmtoms went away.

My symptoms were extreme fatigue, to the point of almost passing out. I also had horrible acid reflux, nausea, and was sometimes disoriented.
Both I guess. I tested negative for a wheat/gluten allergy and negative for celiac as well. They told me to still try gluten free anyway and when I did all of my sypmtoms went away.

My symptoms were extreme fatigue, to the point of almost passing out. I also had horrible acid reflux, nausea, and was sometimes disoriented.

An Autoimmune disorder caused by gluten based foods. Wife had all those symptoms and a few more. Lots of gluten free pasta out there and you just have to learn to read labels and what is gluten exactly in. Most everything!!!! Seems to follow more people with European Decent!!!!