Give the farmers a break!

I've talked to some local corn farmers about opening pheasant season weekend. They are still harvesting corn. They told me that there were some good hunters and some bad ones. They enlisted thier acres in walk-in hunting and on the signs below the walk-in says "don't hunt if harvest is going on" so the bad hunters started hunting the corn stalks by the combine. My word of advice is respect the land owner and farmer. If it wasn't for some farmers there wouldn't be any walk-in hunting. Thanks
Well said.
i witnessed some of that opening weekend. We passed on several good looking draws next to corn that was being combined, only to pass later to see guys in there hunting. I don't understand slob hunters like that. I think everyone should have to take a " how to not be a dumbass while hunting WIHA " class:D
So did any of you educate these hunters? If I would have witnessed this I would have had no issue telling them politely that they are breaking the rules. My next call would be to the DOW. I feel it is our responsibility to make sure other hunters do not ruin it for the rest of us who follow the rules.
Well said Stel67 :thumbsup: as a responsable hunter its our duty to protect this great heritage and enlighten those who dont know better or dont care. most of us forget hunting is a priveldge and not a right and if the B.S. continues the land owners will revoke those priveldges and thats their right.Calling the DOW is not cowardly and should be done to protect the reputations of the rest of us that play by the rules many of us are not affraid to correct our dogs when they are breaking the rules,but not enuff of us will stand up for the values that need to be upheld.This is why we are in the shape we are in the United States not enuff of us standing up for what is right,and just sitting back and bitching about never fixes anything.Sorry for the rant these are sad days that we live in.:(
Yea i'm sure all of you would roll up on ten+ guys and educate them on the rules while you are out hunting with your teenage boys. I do love the internet tough guys. I typically have no problem standing up for what is right. Seriously doubt i would do it in that situation. I also figured the 6 or 8 farmers and hands would take care of the problem, as it is their land.
Thats why you call the dow I hunt with a 9yr old and a 15yr and they would look at me funny for walking away, after all were trying to teach them whats right sitting back and figuring the land owner will handle it is not a leason I'm teaching my children.
Thats why you call the dow I hunt with a 9yr old and a 15yr and they would look at me funny for walking away, after all were trying to teach them whats right sitting back and figuring the land owner will handle it is not a leason I'm teaching my children.

you know after thinking about this i realize that you are probably right about calling the DOW. This would have been a better lesson than simply talking to them about what was wrong. I guess where i take issue is that so many times as we respond to others posts, we start getting nasty and attacking. It is funny that for a bunch of guys that supposedly share some of the same passions, we sure turn into dic$kheads real quick. Maybe next time you could present the solution without all the additional chit.
Been alot of good posts. I applaud all of u here for what has been said. Something drastically needs to be done with the people that dont have respect. Just visited with the local game warden about this last night. He says that he puts ads on the radio stations. Goes over this with people at the hunting shows. He wrote a really good article in the local paper. I wont get started again but it really upsets me that this stuff goes on.
Yea i'm sure all of you would roll up on ten+ guys and educate them on the rules while you are out hunting with your teenage boys. I do love the internet tough guys. I typically have no problem standing up for what is right. Seriously doubt i would do it in that situation. I also figured the 6 or 8 farmers and hands would take care of the problem, as it is their land.

I really do not care how many are in the group, what is there to be afraid of? Not looking to get into a fight, there is a right way to handle this type of situation with out getting into a confrontation. If you are not comfortable in getting into a face to face then take out your cell phone, take a video of the infraction, then take photos of the license plates. Show it to the DOW. If we all stood up for what is right, instead of just shaking our heads and moving on, this type of issue would get nipped in the bud pretty quick. Thats my 2 cents
Carp sorry you know how us internet tough guys turn into real d*ckheads when we see grown men hide behind their kids, we all know its harder to do the right thing. Next time I'll commend you for admitting your part of the problem but at least your on the right path.And if if we shared the same passions you wouldnt turn your head and look away.

Internet Tough Guy,