Game Fair Get Together

From the post before, it seems like many of us will be at the Game Fair in MN this year. It might be nice for many of us to meet each other at this event. When is everyone planning on going? Perhaps we can arrange for a meet and greet event for UPH members?

Here is a pic of my pup (now 7 months) He is great.. wanted to share since I posted pup pictures of him when he was 7 weeks!
Second weekend for me to meet up with ZEB. Unless something comes up. Glad to hear the pup is fitting in with you.

Yep, I'll be working at the NSTRA booth the 2nd weekend. Friday and Saturday for sure and I might have to also help out on Sunday unless I find some more volunteers. I won't be at the booth all day as I hope a couple of us can split up the day. Once I have an idea of the hours I'll be there I will post somewhere on this site.

The NSTRA booth is in a big tent with all the other Dog Clubs. It might be a place that we could all meet at pre-determined time.
Saturday would be best for me to go on a walk about down there. I will bring the pups I spose. Get them in a croud and socialize some. Hard to get myself to want to do anything but get things done at home right now though. If I get rained out a couple weekends with the skid loader I may have to stick by home.
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I think I will be there the second weekend. I hope to drag my daughter with. Last year we had a good time lots to look at.

Fc my kid would love to help with the solialize of puppies. Hope to see you guys.
Right now my plans are to go the 2nd weekend and on saturday. Not sure if I will bring my dog or not. Depends on how hot it is going to be. Can't wait. It will be a fun time.
It looks like we have a few guys that will be at Game Fair the 2nd weekend. So far it looks like FCSpringer, goldeneye, mnbandit32 and myself.

As suggested before, lets plan a little UPH get together on Saturday, Aug. 14th. Since I'll be in the Dog Club tent at the NSTRA booth lets meet at the NSTRA booth (table). What time works for everyone?

Anyone else wanting to meet with this group either post it here our shoot me a PM. I'll try to keep a list of those planning to attend.

I'm really looking forward to actually meeting some of you dudes. I'm planning to bring my young Brittany that I have been field trialing unless it looks like it is going to be quite hot.

See ya there! :cheers:
do you think they will let me bring capt coot to the game fair? if so can i charge admission to meet him? need to recup some loses after the coot was a little short on paying me for some trees i bought for him. he probably shorted me so he could buy some more ho-hos. money would be better spent on rogaine or a beanie to cover his balding head:D glare off of it almost blinded our nephews sunday during a family picnic:p