I just like to know where the dollars go. I'll be the first to admit I quit donating to them for several years because I don't see where the dollars were going in Kansas. The last couple I have donated and this year they're into me for a chunk due to an auction deal at an FFA banquet. Where I am in Kansas I assume my dollars get pooled in to a broader cause, I'd just like to see those dollars going to something public I guess.
Remy has me on ignore since I can't stand what I believe is the corruption at PF -- It seems he works for PF or has been completely brainwashed by them -- but he can't stand it if you have an alternate point of view on PF. I'd love to sit down and have a civil discussion w him but that's who I am.
Anyways if you have questions -- you need to look at their financials -- their tax returns for various entities which you have to dig into is buried on their various websites -- they pay their execs very well, their board is token old rich whites and a woman or two unless it's changed in a year or two and most live near the HQ and when you study them they seem to have very little to do with hunting.
Not to mention their day to day execs IMO leach off their projects for hunting access (A friend that is a land manager in KS and manages properties for uber wealthy people that have navigated various programs such as easements, PF money, playa funds etc has been plagued by them when they want to come hunting in KS. Complete pains in the arse for him to deal with as they offer little to no value.
Anyways as far as I'm concerned most of their projects and anything available to the public is open more near their HQ -- somewhere they had a map of projects they funded and which ones are open to the public....in KS the access is near zero -- I even remember an article in the Wichita Eagle of a person that donated an entire section of land to PF in primo pheasant area of KS -- PF never enrolled it in WIHA --- and then later sold it to enrich themselves.
As much as I hate to say it - in our state if you live in KS DU and Nature Conservancy do more for upland birds than PF ever would dream of.
As the saying goes - follow the money -- I love financial statements and would be glad to walk you through what I consider corruption and how they could do so much better.
As anything, most non profits purely exist for tax loopholes of those running them and most of their overhead goes to paying staff, the c suite, their offices, private jet if they have one etc -- a lot of the money never makes it to the purpose they claim they exist for.