From the Aberdeen coaltion

I heard from different sources that there was some mortality, more north than south, and I’d tend to believe it. Have heard ND had some as well, hard not to. I was in SD last weekend, looked good where I was, and reports from locals were good. There’ll be birds, how many is the question. Fun no matter…
"The winter didn't harm the pheasant population a bit"
A statement like that makes it very hard to take that blog/press release serious. I'm sure some areas were hit harder than others. If the spring nesting conditions are good, a successful hatch would help make up for the winter losses.
Only one way to find out what the numbers will be like when October finally gets here, and that will be to get out and hunt.
Just to be clear the HuntFishSD is the Aberdeen pheasant coalitions Blog. Or they are at least partners.
I honestly couldn't believe they were bold/dumb enough to print that lie.
Well, we know where NOT to go this fall! Thanks for the intel!😝😝😝😝😝😝. They can thank Kristi, they don’t have to worry about GFP doing any counts that could disprove their fanciful notion that there was no harm to the birds “AT ALL”! 🤡
Not sure I'm buying Aberdeen's optimistic report. I was down on one of our Tripp County quarters a few weeks ago planting trees and didn't see or hear a single bird. We had good numbers before the blizzard. A friend who farms a lot of ground in Lyman County tells me they aren't seeing many birds this spring either. I wish I was seeing what Aberdeen is reporting, but that's not what I'm seeing or hearing.
Not sure I'm buying Aberdeen's optimistic report. I was down on one of our Tripp County quarters a few weeks ago planting trees and didn't see or hear a single bird. We had good numbers before the blizzard. A friend who farms a lot of ground in Lyman County tells me they aren't seeing many birds this spring either. I wish I was seeing what Aberdeen is reporting, but that's not what I'm seeing or hearing.
That’s not good, if there’s one thing you can normally bank on it’s seeing lots of birds in April, and in May…
Not sure I'm buying Aberdeen's optimistic report. I was down on one of our Tripp County quarters a few weeks ago planting trees and didn't see or hear a single bird. We had good numbers before the blizzard. A friend who farms a lot of ground in Lyman County tells me they aren't seeing many birds this spring either. I wish I was seeing what Aberdeen is reporting, but that's not what I'm seeing or hearing.
Great to hear you are planting trees. I believe trees in habitat do way more for all wildlife then harm from avian predators.
Bird numbers? Who cares. I never hunted SD in the glory days but have always had pretty good luck the last few years. I’ve had amazing hunts and have had crap ones. I think it’s comical what people consider low numbers. The family farm in Central IA in the late 90s was a 9 or 10 for hunting. Now a 1 or 2 on a scale of 1-10. those are low bird numbers. 10 years ago my dad would say he never saw a bird all year. I take reports and opinion like a weather man, if he’s wrong it don’t matter but if he’s right, he’s a genius! So if numbers were an 8 last year but drop to a 7 I’ll take that all day. So if I have great spots to hunt and you have crap, causing me to have success and you don’t. Are the numbers down?