free to a good home


thx bc27,
for the offer, ill have to pass.:eek: sorry to hear you are suffering from this very painful problem. love your humor. lol lolm. hang in there:thumbsup:
I have passed 100s of them
You sure it was a kindey stone blackcloud, and not one of those rocks in your head:D If you die do I get your cabela points. PLEASE:nutz:
I have passed 100s of them

EEIIIEEE!!! You must be tougher than Chuck Norris and John Wayne combined. Most folks assume the fetal position and cry like babies with one.

I want you on MY side when the going gets tough. :)
Mine are Uric acid stones. I have passed them as big as BB shot. My Doc couldn't believe that I can pass a stone that size and was totally amazed. Don't kid yourself, it's no picnic but I'm in so much pain 24/7 most people would have took a one way trip to the woods by now. They are just taking a shot in the dark and are starting me on 28 days of meds for Lyme's. They can't get a handle on my severe pain.
Chuck Think back there are 3 very distinct symptoms with Lymes disease. Well really 4 you are in a prime area for it. Symptom 1 A tick attached to your body with a big red circle around it about the size of a coke can. Symptom 2. very simple Diarrhea. Symptom 3. You will get severe body aches. Mainly in your joints Knees and Hips are really weak points. I got a real bad Stiff Neck I couldn't hardly turn my head. If these fit Chuck, You got it. Trouble is they can only make it tame down it is "No Cure". It never leaves and relapse are few but they do happen................Bob
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Mine are Uric acid stones. I have passed them as big as BB shot. My Doc couldn't believe that I can pass a stone that size and was totally amazed. Don't kid yourself, it's no picnic but I'm in so much pain 24/7 most people would have took a one way trip to the woods by now. They are just taking a shot in the dark and are starting me on 28 days of meds for Lyme's. They can't get a handle on my severe pain.

Aw, cripes, op. I hope your docs have found or can find the problem. Like I said, if you can pass multiple stones and suffer from the sort of chronic pain Lyme disease can cause, you are one tough guy. Lots tougher than a wimp like me. Hell, I though one bout of gallstones was a big deal.

Keep us posted and if there's anything I can do to help...I happen to live in a town with a great teaching hospital, and have several doc friends there. I can ask questions and usually get good non-BS answers.

you all must be kidding me, have passed a lot of stones , 4 or 5 dam near killed me, ok , wish it had, i wish it had killed me. :eek::eek::(
I have had many deer ticks stuck on me, several were very sore..I mean very sore. I never got a big red ring and my blood test comes back clear but I have read and talked to numerous people who have had the chronic pain and fatigue syndrome/ fibromyalgia. That have had the same thing, their blood test came back negative. I demanded to be treated for Lyme's. It can't hurt, I'm desperate, I have to do something. I can't live like this. The Lyme's blood test is not a very accurate test.
happieness is pissing a bb. finally passed only took 24 hours this time. 10 mg of loratab just took the edge off. had one several years ago that was j shaped and hung up. took 5 days to pass that one.
You sure it was a kindey stone blackcloud, and not one of those rocks in your head:D If you die do I get your cabela points. PLEASE:nutz:

no you can't have my cabelas points. that "rock" in my head is just fine where its at. Mayo clinic put it there. I'm still twice as smart as you coot with part of my brains blood vessels pluggeg and glued shut. good thing i partied hard in younger years gave them more room to work up there.
happieness is pissing a bb. finally passed only took 24 hours this time. 10 mg of loratab just took the edge off. had one several years ago that was j shaped and hung up. took 5 days to pass that one.

I know what your talking about brother. My back and tail bone area are where it gets me when I'm moving stones. I have passed 4-5 at a time. You can hear them hit the toilet when they come out, Feel them too. When I'm passing a group of them. I usally put the full choke tube in..LMAO
I feel your pain, just not as much. I have only had two, but the first was a killer bvecause i had no idea why i was on the floor, going around in circles. Drink cranberry juice.