Fescue dormancy


New member
Well with this weeks temps not supposed to get out of the upper 30's to low 40's and nightime temps down in the low/mid 20's a time or two, is it getting too late to be spraying fescue? Dont want to waste the time and money on chemical if its not going to do any good. What say you?
I suspect a potential waste.

You're earlier thread what others had been doing lately coupled with a quail blog suggesting spraying green and deer season stinking got me motivated to spray some I still have hanging around about 1-2 weeks ago. I sprayed it with Credit Extra and it takes about 1-2 weeks to go to work typically. We had a warm up (40-50s instead of 25-35) so I thought things were looking good, but it only lasted 3-4 days. I think some of it's dying, but not 100% of everything I sprayed.
Might work some if the plants are green.
Best results from most herbicides are when the plants are growing rapidly.
Might work some if the plants are green.
Best results from most herbicides are when the plants are growing rapidly.

Well actually you get a better kill if you can spray in the fall/early winter when the plant is putting nutrients in its root system instead of in leaf growth. Thats why fall/early winter is supposed to be the ideal time to kill fescue out of NWSG as the native grass has gone dormant while the fescue is still uptaking nutrients for overwintering. But this year my NWSG still had quite a bit of green showing up untill about 2 weeks ago so I was delayed. I did get most of it sprayed so I should be in good shape, I was just wanting to hit some more areas where I plan on doing some shrub planting this coming spring. Might be able to get some more spraying in if we get 3 or 4 days of mid 60's weather in a row.:thumbsup:
You are a long way South of us, all is dormant up here. Yeah go for it 60's ought to help a lot.:thumbsup:
I've got some waterways edges and terraces that have fescue creeping into the meadow. today's high is 51 degrees.

will i have any luck killing the bad stuff (it's green)?
I've got some waterways edges and terraces that have fescue creeping into the meadow. today's high is 51 degrees.

will i have any luck killing the bad stuff (it's green)?

I think anytime it's over 50 for a couple a days the stuff puts on growth, so I say spray it, devilishly hard to kill and the neighbors will pioneer in in two years even if you get it killed. Might put our research into genetically altering quail and pheasants to adapt to it.