Father/ son hunt


New member
Hello all! I am new to this website but have been reading along through out the year. I live in the SE corner of the state and my son (12) and I have started a tradition I hope we can carry on for years to come. We are headed out on our first pheasant hunt together. We will be headed up to the NW corner for a F,S,S,M hunt. Any and all suggestions are welcome!
I have hunted out west every year for the last 25. we will be taking our year and half old GSH. young dog but he is turning some good days afield out!
Good for you! Great to see you passing the torch. I know I wouldn't be hunting today without my dad taking me out. My dad started inviting my older cousin on an annual fishing trip many years ago after his dad passed. Every time we get together we have fun stories to tell, and honestly fishing probably helped him stay out of jails. So many good things come from what you're taking your son out to do. Have fun and bring lots of snacks :D!
Welcome to UPH!! Be sure to post up some pic's of your hunt and your pup. Been mixed success up that way, but pressure will be down. Take your WIA maps and knock on a few doors and you should get into some birds..Good luck..:thumbsup:
Ended the day in Hoxie! Moved 20 or so phew and 3 covey of quail! 2 roosters and 2 quail in bag! Not bad for 1/2 day hunt! I will post more tomorrow!
My son was out of school so we headed to wiha's between Minneapolis and Hunter. We spent a lot of time driving down some questionable roads. Didn't see any pheasants all day. Hope you do better.
Well we made it home! The trip was awesome in many ways! Just the time with my son was worth it! He was smiles and telling stories all weekend long! The end report was 8 phez and 6 quail! Not too shabby on a 2 1/2 day hunt!