Exited for opening day 2015


So, what's everyone's plans for Opening day? Even with all that I have read about opening day on public land, I am anxiously waiting to get out in the morning. As I look over and see Cookie, my 16 month old GSP sleeping on the couch, I can't help but wonder if she realizes the adventure that awaits. Quite frankly, neither do I, from all I've read opening day on public land is an experience all in its own,. My plans are to hit Caesar Creek early if the lightning holds off.

Share your plans. Good luck and be safe..
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Openers are always special, enjoy every minute you spend with Cookie. Keep track of how warm it gets, an excited dog can overheat very quickly. Here in Pa. it's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow...that means caution!
Good luck and be safe!
Thanks for the tip FLDBRD. I'll be sure to keep an eye on her. I hunted her last week on Penn raised farm in WI and she was wore out after 2 hours. It was in the low 60's :rolleyes:

Pretty interesting link you have there. I remember the rare find of chestnuts as a kid in PA:thumbsup:
Will be at KD for my opener ritual. Some years are outstanding like last year and some are a complete bust. Either way it is the opener so I will be out there.

Can't say I have had any bad issues on public land on the opener but tend to find out of the way spots to avoid most. Also get there early to "claim" the area if possible.

Funny story about openers, 3 years ago got to my preferred spot plenty early like usual and low and behold someone already there. Pretty disappointed but figure large enough area so pull in anyways. Sitting there stewing in my truck, mad at myself for not arriving earlier while waiting on daylight. Finally get out, still quite a bit of time before light. Find out the guy that beat me doesn't have a dog. Start talking and decide to hunt together. Tomorrow will be the 4th straight opener we have hunt together. Have ended up becoming pretty good friends over the years.

Good luck all.
Not that it matters, because a day in the field with your pup chasing Ringnecks is always a good day, but I was wondering if you guys have the possibility of running into any wild birds? I remember years ago at a Springer trial in Valley Forge I ran into a fellow from Ohio who had a farm with a good amount of his acreage put into habitat. He said he and his neighbors had wild reproducing pheasants on their property. I still have his address somewhere.
Good luck tomorrow and be safe!
Mine was over before it started :mad: One of my guys called in with a family emergency so I had to go into the office. It looks like I will be picking up the left overs Monday. I have a youth rally at the church Saturday and I don't hunt on Sundays.
As for the wild birds, I haven't been Pheasant hunting that long to weigh in. From read I have read on this site and what the veteran Bird hunters have told me, there are not many if any left over here :( .

I am waiting to see how MattD and the others made out :)
We had a great opener this morning. Copper put 4 birds up and we killed 4 for our limit. They were spaced out and it was a nice morning except for the 15 minute down pour that came through about 8. Was another fun opener with a good friend and the realization hit me today that this would be the last opener for the old man to enjoy as the only dog. He will have some help next year as Finn will be along. On one hand that is a sad realization but it is also said with a ton of excitement to see what the new pup will bring to the hunt.

Sorry you didn't make it out Poyntem.

As for wild birds there are some. Big Island has a small population and there are some different places in parts of that state that still have some wild birds. Also a few years ago after I got done hunting I was driving along the refuge at Killdeer and there were 5-6 hens that came out of there and crossed the road. Since the state only releases roosters I have to figure those were wild birds.
That's Great Matt D,I'm glad you had a good opener. :thumbsup:

When are you getting Fin? Is he being trained somewhere, or he too young to take off his Mamma?

I know from my coondog, as well as my cattle penning days, dogs and horses, are very much like people. Everyone of em has their very own personalities, strengths and weaknesses. you compare them to one another all the time. For the short period of time, I have been around the bird dog world. there are going to be a ton of people that disagree with my next statement. But here goes, God hasn't made a perfect dog, just like there hasn't been a perfect handler made. However, I will say there has been perfect matches made between dog and handler. Cookie isn't a perfect dog, but she is perfect for me. She needs work on consistently honoring other other dogs points like she should and doesn't retrieve pheasants that well at all, quail yes pheasants no. Those are the ones I know, I am sure there are more, But I wouldn't trade her for another!!! :p
That's Great Matt D,I'm glad you had a good opener. :thumbsup:

When are you getting Fin? Is he being trained somewhere, or he too young to take off his Mamma?

I know from my coondog, as well as my cattle penning days, dogs and horses, are very much like people. Everyone of em has their very own personalities, strengths and weaknesses. you compare them to one another all the time. For the short period of time, I have been around the bird dog world. there are going to be a ton of people that disagree with my next statement. But here goes, God hasn't made a perfect dog, just like there hasn't been a perfect handler made. However, I will say there has been perfect matches made between dog and handler. Cookie isn't a perfect dog, but she is perfect for me. She needs work on consistently honoring other other dogs points like she should and doesn't retrieve pheasants that well at all, quail yes pheasants no. Those are the ones I know, I am sure there are more, But I wouldn't trade her for another!!! :p

Finn is going to spend some time with FCSpringer before he comes to us to get some experience. Most likely late winter/early spring he will come to us.

I agree completely with your last paragraph.
This will probably go down as the best opener I'll have in my life. Matt D has met my dog Mandy, now 2 years old, and until the opener, she just couldn't seem to string I all together -the flush, shot, and retrieve that is- retrieving was almost at the point of chalking it up as a lost hope. She made me eat my words on the opener, with four flushes, and 3 EXCELLENT retrieves for me and my brother. She did tire out faster than expected, but the endurance will extend as the season draws on. I will be taking her out tomorrow morning, and the real work will begin. Matt, I'm glad to hear Copper is doing well. We are overdue for a hunt, as it has been far too long. Maybe I'll make the trip down for the next release!
That's Great Matt D,I'm glad you had a good opener. :thumbsup:

When are you getting Fin? Is he being trained somewhere, or he too young to take off his Mamma?

I know from my coondog, as well as my cattle penning days, dogs and horses, are very much like people. Everyone of em has their very own personalities, strengths and weaknesses. you compare them to one another all the time. For the short period of time, I have been around the bird dog world. there are going to be a ton of people that disagree with my next statement. But here goes, God hasn't made a perfect dog, just like there hasn't been a perfect handler made. However, I will say there has been perfect matches made between dog and handler. Cookie isn't a perfect dog, but she is perfect for me. She needs work on consistently honoring other other dogs points like she should and doesn't retrieve pheasants that well at all, quail yes pheasants no. Those are the ones I know, I am sure there are more, But I wouldn't trade her for another!!! :p

Your last paragraph couldn't be more true. Mandy was the same way last year. She would retrieve doves and likesize birds easily, but when it came to the size of a pheasant, was very hesitant.

Another side note, did anyone else experience diminished numbers of hunters this year? We hunt charlemonte (which usually had more hunters present than birds) but only saw about 40 hunters in the time we were there.
This will probably go down as the best opener I'll have in my life. Matt D has met my dog Mandy, now 2 years old, and until the opener, she just couldn't seem to string I all together -the flush, shot, and retrieve that is- retrieving was almost at the point of chalking it up as a lost hope. She made me eat my words on the opener, with four flushes, and 3 EXCELLENT retrieves for me and my brother. She did tire out faster than expected, but the endurance will extend as the season draws on. I will be taking her out tomorrow morning, and the real work will begin. Matt, I'm glad to hear Copper is doing well. We are overdue for a hunt, as it has been far too long. Maybe I'll make the trip down for the next release!

Glad to hear Mandy had a great day! Should all start to click for her now. We will get out for sure going forward. I probably won't hunt the next release but that could change.

Where is charlemonte at? Where we hunt it is tough to gauge hunter numbers but would say similiar. Know when I drove through after we were done the number of trucks looked about normal. I thought the rain might keep some away and it probably did to a degree.

Surely there are more than 3 of us from OH on here that went hunting the last 2 days. Lol
Glad to hear Mandy had a great day! Should all start to click for her now. We will get out for sure going forward. I probably won't hunt the next release but that could change.

Where is charlemonte at? Where we hunt it is tough to gauge hunter numbers but would say similiar. Know when I drove through after we were done the number of trucks looked about normal. I thought the rain might keep some away and it probably did to a degree.

Surely there are more than 3 of us from OH on here that went hunting the last 2 days. Lol

Charlemonte is up in Lorain county about 15 minutes from Spencer. Last year there were cars parking twenty yards into the field by 730, this year they barely covered the parking areas.
Well I don't know if there will be many left, but I'm going to try and get find the left overs in the morning. :thumbsup: This will be the first time on public land for Cookie :) I hope to put her on some birds !!!!!!
Well I don't know if there will be many left, but I'm going to try and get find the left overs in the morning. :thumbsup: This will be the first time on public land for Cookie :) I hope to put her on some birds !!!!!!

Made it back out today for three hours this morning. Flushed two, and jumped a rabbit. However, it was my first time on the property (Berlin lake wildlofe area) and the birds flushed right towards the houses about 125 yards or so away. Poyntem, where in the state are you located?
Well I don't know if there will be many left, but I'm going to try and get find the left overs in the morning. :thumbsup: This will be the first time on public land for Cookie :) I hope to put her on some birds !!!!!!

There are still some out there, guaranteed. Also you will likely have the place to yourself. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
I know the grouse have fallen on hard times in Ohio, but how about woodcock?

Good luck tomorrow Poyntem!
So, I have been reading through the Ohio rules and regulations. From what I can see anyone under the age of 17 need to purchase a youth permit. I was thinking about taking my 10 year old son with me in the morning, but I wasn't sure if he needed a permit if he isn't carrying a shotgun?? When we lived in SC you weren't required to have a permit if you were under 18 years old. Ohio likes revenue :(