Ethanol-what do you think?

It may be good for the few greedy. But terribly bad for the US as a whole, our economy. and every average American. Rising cost of feed may not affect him as he says, their making money. But it does affect me when I have to pay 18.50$ for a bag of pheasant food that used to cost 8 bucks just 2 years ago..... They are the largest welfare recipients on the planet. It needs to stop, period. And Ethanol needs to die.;) Hydrogen baby.:thumbsup:
First, any time the Government has to substidize anything it's not a good thing. The Government cannot efficiently manage anything in compairrision to the private sector. If Walmart was managed by the Government it would go broke in a year!

Ethanol is just one more Government program that enables our politicians to skim funds for their political base.
What happened to switch grass? Cant compete? Was supposed to a plant opening in SW ks
sometime soon , anyone know what happened with it.
The current manufacturers on ethanol, are heavily invested in corn. Switch grass is a different process, involving a costly conversion to work. Besides many of the investors are big time farmers, who get a premium to market their corn at the distillery, they also make contributions to the local and national politicians, who's wife's, husbands, brother, or sister in laws are listed on the stock register. I think this defines the answer. Archer-Daniels-Midland is still researching switch grass in Iowa, and also buying bankrupt ethanol distilleries at a bargain , but not "building " any, with new money.

Can you move this thread to the habitat forum-perhaps it will generate more discussion there. You can remove my post on the SDak forum too please.

Thank You
