Hey all, well, this weekend is the end of the our season here in North Dakota. It was a good year, not fantastic, but good. Plenty of birds, and the weather was great! Not a lot of snow, warm for the most part. The big downside was the ice storm we got the day after Christmas. That made things tough. Hard to get around, had to watch every step you took or else you'll be on your arse (like me a couple times!.
The season for us started out with a bang and ended in a whimper. Went out yesterday and today and didn't bust a cap! The last couple weeks the birds have been exceptionally wild (pheasants that is) . Hens would hold, but the boy birds flushed well ver 50 yards away. We did get more Huns this year than the last couple years. Grouse were so so and pheasants were darn good.
The dogs did well, no injuries or issues with them. Addie is turning into a first class bird dog. Very happy with her. And Raina, the old hand did very well also. For a 10 year old dog, you would think she was 5 out in the field
As I said, a good year. No one got hurt, not problems with vehicles and had a wonderful time with my son Jim and my daughter Patty. My two best hunting partners.
Hope the weather holds and the spring is good for nesting. If it does, next season will be great.
Thanks to the good Lord and St Hubert for the blessings you showered on us!
Best Regards to all!
The season for us started out with a bang and ended in a whimper. Went out yesterday and today and didn't bust a cap! The last couple weeks the birds have been exceptionally wild (pheasants that is) . Hens would hold, but the boy birds flushed well ver 50 yards away. We did get more Huns this year than the last couple years. Grouse were so so and pheasants were darn good.
The dogs did well, no injuries or issues with them. Addie is turning into a first class bird dog. Very happy with her. And Raina, the old hand did very well also. For a 10 year old dog, you would think she was 5 out in the field
As I said, a good year. No one got hurt, not problems with vehicles and had a wonderful time with my son Jim and my daughter Patty. My two best hunting partners.
Hope the weather holds and the spring is good for nesting. If it does, next season will be great.
Thanks to the good Lord and St Hubert for the blessings you showered on us!
Best Regards to all!