Employee Meeting


Active member

Powerwashed the Girls Kennel s this evening , got them all together to let them know that dove season was right around the corner , there might be a bit of teal hunting for the ones that don't mind retrieving from water , Early Prairie Chicken season would be here before you know it and that as always we save the best for last and that Pheasant and Quail would be after that .

I gave them all raises ( a few more pets and an extra treat or two ) Let them know they had been good girls in the off season and work was ready to begin soon .

From Screen Left to right Sally 9 years old , Lulu a French Britt 12 years Old . LiLo , 2 1/2 years old and ginger near 5 months .

Here to a uptick in bird numbers and good dog work to come !!!
That's a good looking bunch you have there. Happy hunting this season.:cheers:
Ditto. I'm partial to female britts. You seem to do things like me. Hunt pairs of female britts, about two years apart. Sometimes I have 4 dogs. A two/three year gap seems to foster a mother/daughter relationship thats dampers dominance issues.
Now that you mention it about the age gap that makes sense , my goal has Been to keep, hunt and take care a good group of dogs and as they age bring on the next go-getter .

Your exactly right though the young pup gets along best with my 2 1/2 year old dog and the two older dogs put up with her but are less interested .
Huh, my kennel doesn't have a slippery slide! Things look squeaky clean! Nice group. Unfortunate, or fortunately, I need a larger board room and table for my staff meetings! Did some "walk alongs" yesterday. Sure gets hot early!
Huh, I like that kind of meeting. Most of have animals without legs, you the ones that slide along on their bellies. The ones that can bite, usually do it from behind. :eek: