Early Season Reports

wound up

that's a pretty broad brush you are painting with and that's an awful lot of land that you covered, drove through most likely. sorry you haven't done better, hope things improve. there are but few on these sites that hunt/get outdoors more than me, yet i don't have/get those experiences you seem to be having nor do i see the situation the same as you. as far as you say, a simple answer, it ain't, and there are a lot of great people out there trying to do something about it, it is just not true that the farmers only lease out their worst land either cause of a few hunting slobs or otherwise or are against us hunters trying to shoot a bird. ie: the various rooster rounds ups there are.. where do you think those guys come from and own and why are doing this to help support our sport. time to calm down a bit and see some of the good stuff that is out there to be had, being negative is not the way to go

Its a once a year rant out of me. This is a pretty mild one. But like was posted by others. Certain out of towners don't care. I drove 40 miles to hunt some private. By the way I am a local. Ground is not posted walk in right across the street. I show up to hunt. This fella is hunting the private. Vehicle parked on wia. I rolled up to him while he is trying to haul ass out of the field. Wont look up nothing. Cant miss a diesel pickup motor rolling. Catch up to him. I asked do u have permission to be here???? well no but I didn't see any signs.... I said that's well and fine. But private is private. Well I didn't see any signs. I told the fella it doesn't have to be posted. Sorry sorry he says. Well I told him back I drove 40 miles up here to hunt and u screwed up my hunt!!!!! Its my partners farmground. This is what makes people so negative towards the outside public. as long as there is this stupidity. Opportunities will just get harder. This was a fella in his 50s no way in hell he didn't know Colorado rules. Young guy probly wouldn't feel so harshly. This fella knew better. Sure didn't take him long to disappear.
1. Pardon me for my loose use of words, you are correct in the land being leased, obviously. Either way, landowners are "giving, donating, leasing, whatever" their least valuable parcels and that was the point I was trying to make. I would honestly say we covered 95% of the WIA fields in Kit Carson, Yuma, Philips and Sedgewick counties and only a handful had the potential to hold birds. These were all fields that have been in the WIA program for 5+ years according to my records. Most fields in the WIA program that CPW has access to are not worth getting out of the car for. Don't know what you or CPW sees, but I'm not hunting freshly plowed dirt looking for a rooster to jump up in front of me. I can tell you where all those fields are on my geo-maps, you're welcome to have at it.

2. I appreciate the jab, perhaps I struck a nerve, my apologies. I'm not alone when I say I've been annoyed more than once when a group pulls up in a hummer or Cayenne Turbo(could be any vehicle, if you didn't take it personally you'd understand I'm ranting about hunter behavior, not what they drive!), empty cans and trash fall out, slamming doors, shotguns firing off unintentionally, walking fields that my group is already in or setting up a row of blockers at the end of a field we are working. Not sure where they or yourself learned hunting etiquette, but that kind of crap isn't welcome anywhere. Who cares about the background of these hunters I'm talking about, sorry you took that personally and that's all you got from the rant. I'm all for spreading the hunting experience to friends, family, youth and less fortunate (outdoorbuddies.org) to the sport, as fellow hunters, we need the support. But the correct way to teach and introduce hunting to new folks involves ethics, morals and etiquette. Brush up.

3. I agree, I don't like hearing these things, but it's happening and there are other hunters out there that are giving everybody a bad rap. There is real truth to the unwanted news that some landowners are getting fed up. Yes, just think about how much revenue Yuma, Holyoke, Burly grab due to pheasant hunting, they need it! And they want to keep supporting pheasant hunting, just not the actions of some pheasant hunters now days. We've got to spread the word about proper hunting, and that's all my rant is about. Just the other day I called my buddy in Burlington to check on conditions and the status of standing corn again. He told me that twice in one day while he was on his combine, a group of hunters stopped him to ask permission to hunt his land. One group drove into the cornfield, up to his moving combine! I don't care what you think, he didn't like that at all and it's 100% unacceptable behavior. And no offense, but maybe you're eyes have become accustomed to the amount of trash littered throughout WIA fields. I should have taken a picture of all the grocery bags we filled up at each field, dropped a placement pin with an attached picture on my geo-map so I could prove it to you.

4. I agree, but the WIA land is going downhill fast compared to what it used to be. Simple solution is to charge a WIA fee again, a majority of CO pheasant hunters are in support of that. You bet your rear Pheasants Forever cares about this, but does CPW?

We're heading out for another road trip after thanksgiving and we will keep hunting like there's not tomorrow because the rush of the flush is in our blood. Happy Thanksgiving to all you turkeys and good luck!!!

But you have private land to hunt don't you? You are very close to ranchers in all the areas you hunt. Why waste your time on crummy WIA properties?

You covered 95% if the WIA properties in the top four pheasant counties in Colorado? But you honestly think they aren't worth getting out of the car for. I'm confused...And you hunted your private land areas? Really? Do you think the rest of us are idiots? Did you have an army of 40 hunters? Come on. You can;t hunt all the WIA areas in one season let alone 9 days. You might consider not overstating the facts as it gets in the way of your points, which are generally good.

Yes I saw plenty of WIA fields that I did not hunt because they looked so poor. I hunted and drove by other fields that looked very good and hunted some marginal ones. Ultimately, we rely on the CPW to make sure that only decent properties get enrolled. Does that happen 100%? Prolly not.

I don't take anything you say personally because I don't know you and you don't know me. I drive a 2004 Ford sportrac with a topper and the vehicle fits me perfectly. My trash is on the floorboard and all over hell by the time I done hunting...:) I don't dispute your trash claims...it's just not what I observed, that's all.

Now a hunter is not asking permission CORRECTLY? Is "correctly" going to a bar or resturant and bad mouthing other hunters and the CPW to get in good with the landowners? If so, I'll not ask permission and hunt WIA since it's NEVER right the way the public hunter does it. But you apparently do it right since you are friends with many landowners. Good for you...you are a lucky man.

I'm fine with the fee...always was...$25 bucks is well worth it..we agree.

Good luck...and I apologize now in case I drive by any field you are hunting and shoot a bird that you whiffed on...:)
Now a hunter is not asking permission CORRECTLY? Is "correctly" going to a bar or resturant and bad mouthing other hunters and the CPW to get in good with the landowners? If so, I'll not ask permission and hunt WIA since it's NEVER right the way the public hunter does it. But you apparently do it right since you are friends with many landowners. Good for you...you are a lucky man.

So you're one of the guys that will drive through a standing corn field, up to a combine and ask permission to hunt? Wow. Many people have different perceptions on correct ways to ask permission, if you think disturbing harvesting operations and bringing a farmer to a halt is a good idea, have at it, the outcome probably won't be very favorable

I'm not one to go shmooze landowners at local bars or restaurants, I'll leave that to the pompous crowd. Yes I am a lucky man, my connections were made over decades, through family and relatives with honesty and integrity and that's exactly how my family, my friends and myself plan to keep them. Luck has nothing to do with that.

mustistuff (and anyone else who didn't appreciate my posts): I apologize if my reports come across negative, I've been told many times its just my writing style. In no way or manner am I fabricating or degrading any conditions I came across. My full intention was to provide a factual and detailed report for fellow hunters to use when planning where to hunt. Take a look at the pics, these are examples of how I document and keeps records on field conditions at every stop we make. I provide this information to many local, state and national entities. We are heading out for another road trip soon, I will take pictures of some fields, some trash etc and GPS tag them in my maps so you can see what I see. Rest assured, due to all this negative feedback, that will be my last post in this forum.
No, I wouldn't drive up to a combine and ask permission. You're jumping to conclusions. But I have nicely asked permission and had limited success with more than a handful of failures. But according to you, the IN thing for landowners to do is gleefully and graciously send hunters to feedlots and then laugh about it, cause the majority of us are idiots and a-holes. That's just not the case.

No one challenged your trash observation that I can tell in this post...I only cited my personal observations from three days this season, which were different than yours. That doesn't make either observation invalid. For someone who told the rest of us to grow a pair, you sure seem to be easily offended.

IMO, a few hunters DO give the majority a bad name...and that's too bad but that's the world we live in....same with fishing or any public use of lands...some people have NO RESPECT for public or private property for that matter. I don't know what to do about that...but if you think yelling at armed hunters because they violated some etiquette issue is a good Idea, I'd re-think that. I try to use good judgement and I think most others do to but I don't appreciate someone else jumping my rear about it when I'm out trying to enjoy myself.

Hunting the same fields...yes, If another group is hunting a quarter section or smaller chunk, I move on. But for the larger sections, If they are in one corner, I see nothing wrong with going to the opposite corner and working that area. Heck, that might improve the success for both parties (gasp)...Please show me in the etiquette manual that this is bad practice.

The only point that I hollered BS on was your statement that you "covered 95% of the WIA properties" in your nine day hunt, along with the private lands that you hunted but then you said you did NOT hunt them because they sucked and were dirt fields...and I notice you had no response to that in your latest post. Overstatement or just not factual...one or the other.

It would be too bad if you choose to not post on this site since you have good points and seem more than willing to share useful information, which I've said now numerous times. But griping and complaining about how everything sucks and landowners hate the public hunter who generally is a slob isn't going to make the situation better. Debate and discussion here and thru other venues hopefully will improve things if the other natural factors fall into place. And remember...if this was 2010, you wouldn't have made this post...we would all be posting pictures of limits...:)
So many great points in this chain of posts. Hopefully the participants don't take the discourse personally. A healthy debate stimulates great ideas.

My observations:

-Referencing the comments made on this site, I asked my rancher friend (in Holyoke) about hunters in their area. Is there a lack of respect for the land? YES, especially during opening weekend. There is trash left everywhere. In addition, people regularly clean birds on the side of the road, dumping the carcasses in plain sight. Other than myself do you allow other people to hunt your property? NOT anymore.

-Over the last couple of years, I brought a few new upland hunters into the field. They are all respectful of the land and other hunters (and no threat to pheasants). I will introduce my young sons to hunting over the next few years. Hopefully the habitat in Eastern, CO will support a healthy wild pheasant population. Pen raised birds will not survive adverse conditions (weather, predators). Colorado should invest in habitat programs (partnering with landowners).

-I will continue to hunt mostly WIAs. Occasionally, I will ask for permission to hunt private land. I realize that my plea will most often be rejected....but that is OK. I am absolutely envious of hunters that receive permission to hunt private land. A good friend of mine owns a 40,000+ acre ranch, and hunting his property is absolutely awesome. To the one family (in Philips County) that continues to allow me to hunt their property....thank you for trusting me. I will continue to bring small gifts to show my appreciation of your generosity and friendship.

-adrnin8, you do come across arrogant and bitter (you're probably a nice guy). I am not sure what a person's vehicle has anything to do with their morals/ethics? Kudos if you can afford a $100k SUV...I am sure they earned it (I would still prefer my truck). I believe that most people I see in the field (after week 1) are committed and honorable upland hunters. On the second to last day of the season, I asked the only other hunter I saw if he wanted to hunt with me. We had a great time together and shot two birds.
This is why I will leave the abundant pheasant population to all you "local" guys who are from Colorado or who have been lucky enough to have family and friends here that allow you to hunt private ground in Colorado. Even though I am not from Colorado (retired military and lived here since 2002). More birds for you guys to chase around and shoot ;)

I will stick with the thousand of acres of private ground that I have access to in Kansas through a good friend from my Air Force days that I have been hunting since 1996. I will drive the extra 2 or 3hrs from Colorado Springs if it means I will be able see more than one pheasant in a day.

Until the habitat improves in Colorado and along with better weather/moisture I think I will spend my $$ that I had usually spent at the Rooster roundup out at SteelForks or Quail Run.

Good luck to you other gents on chasing the wild roosters in Colorado.

I still have pheasant breasts left in my freezer from our Kansas trip. Fried up some this past Thanksgiving weekend :thumbsup:

Good stuff.....Stel67 knows what I mean about seeing more birds. And this year is a down year for birds in Kansas statewide, yet I saw more birds in three days there than I have in three years in Colorado!!! :eek::eek::eek:

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There's no need to start calling each other liars over a big nothing. Besides, adrnln8 didn't say that he literally hunted every inch of every WIA in 3 counties. As I understood his post, he drove by most of them but only hunted a minority of them. That sounds totally plausible to me. I bet I could at least drive by all the WIAs in 3 counties in 9 days of hunting. That's a lot of hunting time.

On the quality of WIA habitat this year, I've seen vastly different conditions in different areas/counties. I've hunted in 3 counties so far. In some areas, most of the WIAs seem to be hayed or grazed, but I've seen other areas where most of the WIAs have very good cover, nearby food sources, etc. The point is that one person could think that farmers are ripping off the state leasing bad acreage and another could think the state gets some pretty nice WIAs and both would probably be right. I don't think anyone has any reason to make up what they've seen, so there's no use arguing over this.

It's disappointing, but not surprising, to hear about all the trespassers, litterers, and rude hunters AND landowners. I know landowners put up with a lot of bad apples, but it's downright rude to send a hunter politely asking for permission on his day off to hunt some barren feedlot for your personal amusement. I think most landowners would agree. A polite no would do. I'm also not a fan of landowners collecting WIA payments for CRP they hayed, although I'm sure most wouldn't do this. It seems dishonest to take taxpayer money when you know there won't be a pheasant killed on your property all year. If they want the WIA payments, then they should leave the CRP up rather than having their cake and eating it too. Goes to show that there are bad apples in every group, especially in 2013. Everyone be safe and courteous out there and leave things better than you found them. Also remember that poached (and unpointed) birds don't taste as good anyway!
As I understood his post, he drove by most of them but only hunted a minority of them.

So "donated" means leased and "covered" means drove by...OK then...thank you for helping me understand what other members meant to say. :rolleyes:

I may continue to need your help in the future if this abuse of the English language continues...;)
So "donated" means leased and "covered" means drove by...OK then...thank you for helping me understand what other members meant to say. :rolleyes:

I may continue to need your help in the future if this abuse of the English language continues...;)

No thanks. One language policeman is enough. Most of us are here to talk pheasant hunting, not to play gotcha and make other members quit. Welcome to the forum.
There you go again putting words in my mouth. Never did I suggest anyone quit the forum...go back and re-read the thread.

It's hard to converse and share any thoughts about pheasant hunting with some who think words don't have any particular meaning or accepted definition...its like talking with a politician...:rolleyes:

I responded intelligently to someones post...try doing the same please...:thumbsup: or I'm going to take my ball and go home.....:cool:
Why don't you re-read my post first? I said "make other members quit," not told other members to quit. You repeatedly went after adrnln8 and questioned his honesty until he said he was leaving the forum. Most of us on here want to chat about pheasant hunting, not have our depositions taken. I don't know if adrnln8 was exaggerating and don't really care. I already assume that all hunting stories are 75% BS. I thought adrnln8 made a good post that volunteered a lot of information and didn't deserve to get attacked over whether he "covered," "hunted," or "drove by" or whatever 95% of the WIAs in 3 counties. In the future, it'd be better to keep it to yourself if you think someone is lying or you don't like someone so things don't get personal. I hope you see my point of view. Have a nice day.
It always cracks me up how everyone brags up having X amount of acres of private land access, like the I have more toys than you do. Makes me chuckle.

I don't often hunt WIA since it has declined. I used to spend 3 days doing nothing but driving with the atlas and checking fields off as good/no good. Have a VW diesel gets like 50 MPG so not too much money to do and cover Sedgwick, Phillips, Yuma & Kit Carson counties. So pretty sure OP viewed a TON of ground in 9 DAYS. I stopped doing this two years ago when I could only find 10% of the field I scouted looked promising. And honestly I would almost always get birds out of the field I thought would hold some. If you disagree pull out your late crop land atlas from 2005 and compare to 2013. I still have one and it is sad. Anyway, OP is right we are rapidly losing access to quality hunting in the public system and permission from private landowners. Landowners are increasingly seeing us hunters as a nuisance just ask them. Unfortunately we all think these towns see us hunters as a cash cow but lets be honest they don't, this ain't South Dakota guys. What I can't figure out is it is never you or I but it continues to happen. We all need to look in the mirror and lose the "I" mentality but unfortunately I don't see that happening. Somebody is causing this and probably don't even realize or care that they are. SAD.

If you hunt enough I guarantee you have done something inadvertently or knowingly as I am sure I have. I will always try harder to do the right thing.

BTW at last check non-irrigated ground in Sedgwick county was fetching $10 per acre from CPW to enroll in WIA. That is $6400 per section. That's not chump change as that is about 3 times what a section leases for to a private individual on the front range. Land owner chose to lease it to me for $2 per acre not to have to deal with public land hunters. It is in that 2005 atlas as WIA so take that for what it is worth. Landowners are judging us as a whole like it or not when they offer a lease to an individual for 80% less than if they enrolled it. This landowner no longer has any land in the WIA program.

Just my .02.

I do appreciate guys putting updates here hopefully everybody else does.
It always cracks me up how everyone brags up having X amount of acres of private land access, like the I have more toys than you do. Makes me chuckle.

I don't often hunt WIA since it has declined. I used to spend 3 days doing nothing but driving with the atlas and checking fields off as good/no good. Have a VW diesel gets like 50 MPG so not too much money to do and cover Sedgwick, Phillips, Yuma & Kit Carson counties. So pretty sure OP viewed a TON of ground in 9 DAYS. I stopped doing this two years ago when I could only find 10% of the field I scouted looked promising. And honestly I would almost always get birds out of the field I thought would hold some. If you disagree pull out your late crop land atlas from 2005 and compare to 2013. I still have one and it is sad. Anyway, OP is right we are rapidly losing access to quality hunting in the public system and permission from private landowners. Landowners are increasingly seeing us hunters as a nuisance just ask them. Unfortunately we all think these towns see us hunters as a cash cow but lets be honest they don't, this ain't South Dakota guys. What I can't figure out is it is never you or I but it continues to happen. We all need to look in the mirror and lose the "I" mentality but unfortunately I don't see that happening. Somebody is causing this and probably don't even realize or care that they are. SAD.

If you hunt enough I guarantee you have done something inadvertently or knowingly as I am sure I have. I will always try harder to do the right thing.

BTW at last check non-irrigated ground in Sedgwick county was fetching $10 per acre from CPW to enroll in WIA. That is $6400 per section. That's not chump change as that is about 3 times what a section leases for to a private individual on the front range. Land owner chose to lease it to me for $2 per acre not to have to deal with public land hunters. It is in that 2005 atlas as WIA so take that for what it is worth. Landowners are judging us as a whole like it or not when they offer a lease to an individual for 80% less than if they enrolled it. This landowner no longer has any land in the WIA program.

Just my .02.

I do appreciate guys putting updates here hopefully everybody else does.

Good post:thumbsup: I wasn't trying to brag when I was talking about my access to private ground in Kansas. I was just stating that I had done ALOT of ground/homework in the past (like back in the late 90s when I was stationed here the first time) and I guess I just got spoiled with KS.

I have nothing against the landowners here in Colorado. As a man and person, I always try to put myself in another persons shoes, to try and know how it would or how it does feel. I also try not to pass judgement if I can help it....we are all human and inperfect.

We as hunters and sportsmen need to work together to try and get this states upland habitat back. Join your local PF or QU or some organization where most of the $$ donated goes back to the habitat and the wildlife.

Envy and jealousy will get you no where in this life....;):D

God bless,
Why don't you re-read my post first? I said "make other members quit," not told other members to quit. You repeatedly went after adrnln8 and questioned his honesty until he said he was leaving the forum. Most of us on here want to chat about pheasant hunting, not have our depositions taken. I don't know if adrnln8 was exaggerating and don't really care. I already assume that all hunting stories are 75% BS. I thought adrnln8 made a good post that volunteered a lot of information and didn't deserve to get attacked over whether he "covered," "hunted," or "drove by" or whatever 95% of the WIAs in 3 counties. In the future, it'd be better to keep it to yourself if you think someone is lying or you don't like someone so things don't get personal. I hope you see my point of view. Have a nice day.

No, I don't see your point of view and I'll express mine whenever and however I want. I never made anything personal?.only tried to understand what someone MEANT by reading what they wrote?didn't really have any other options.

Questioned his honesty? Really? Let's set the record straight once and for all. Now that I understand that "covered" meant "drove by", I am clear on the ONLY thing that I questioned. Took him at his word on everything else?trash, 38L story, brats, rich guys, newbies?all of the rant.

Yes, I complimented adrnln8 more than once and tried to understand or challenge his fairly negative post without making it personal. You seem to think its your job to be the mediator by explaining what someone else SAID or explaining what they MEANT TO SAY?interesting.

Maybe someone else would be better off adding their PHEASANT observations rather than trying to be big brother. Read the entire thread?not one post...:roll eyes: And I note curiously that you find calling others names like "language policeman" is entirely acceptable yet any attempt to clarify what others MEAN by their words is unacceptable. How interesting.

You want to talk about pheasant hunting? Well land conditions, access, habitat, money, landowners, town economics, hunter success, conflicts, CPW, etc are all part of pheasant hunting?don't we all wish we could post only pictures of limits of roosters...:cool:
I'm a bit hesitant to post again, but I'll give you good guys another report from this last weekend because it will probably be my last as I don't think we'll head out again in CO this season. Forgive me as I was going to take pictures of the WIA fields but forgot. We picked up an embarassing and asinine amount of trash and empty hulls still. But I'll try to write in a positive manner :D

(Toughshed I'd appreciate it if you would just ignore this post as none of this information is meant for you. You have the unparalleled ability to read into words and take them the wrong way or flag everyone for improper use of words. Congrats on your 9 english majors from Harvard, hope you go far. Post a retort if you'd like, but I'm done reading your posts or responding to you.)

We hunted Yuma county Sat, Sun, Mon and came back empty handed :( I didn't even fire my gun! There were 8 of us on Sat and Sun, then just 2 on Monday. We hunted both private land and WIA. We covered "most" of the WIA on the Yuma North WIA map, by covered I mean we at least drove by and scouted. We straight up skipped the dirt fields that I had marked on our previous outing, which was about 11 fields rendered useless. We actually "hunted" 3 of the Yuma North WIA fields that all of us agreed had "potential" to hold birds. 2 of those fields had a good amount of birds in them and they have obviously been pressured heavily as we stopped our vehicles down the road and saw large coveys bombing out the far side. Nothing we could do. These two fields actually impressed me for WIA, considering what I have seen this year. Both had rain-water collection systems, one was typical pheasant-windrow habitat and one was a very thick CRP field with milo dispersed throughout. WIA doesn't get any better than that! The CRP field is huge, its a half parcel, and 8 of us probably didn't cover all of it. There were pheasant beds and droppings under literally every step you took. And the birds were there. They were jumping up 100-150 yards out, squirting out the sides, running across the roads in between the blockers. They had us beat. I bet we saw a total of 45 birds in that field with at least 15 roosters. I wouldn't be surprised if we walked over and didn't flush at least that many more. PM me for the location of these fields as I don't want certain individuals having the info.

We only hunted the WIA fields from sunrise to 9am as the landowners who gave us access to private didn't want us hunting until 9am. No big deal, kinda like South Dakota. The private land wasn't actually much to get excited about this time. Lots and lots of corn fields, pintos, sorghums, wheat but it was all obviously harvested and few corners were habitat worthy. We kicked birds and they were either too far out or ahem . . . they were missed. We should have had 4.

A funny story from one of the private fields - my catahoula had his boots on because the thorns and burrs are out of control, and we were all trying our best to keep an eye on his boots and hunt at the same time. Sure enough he throws one of his front boots in a thick, thigh high CRP/ragweed corner, and I'm pissed because we probably won't find it and they are $22 a piece. So I ask the guys to help me just look for about 10 minutes and we have a general idea of where it could be. So we're sweeping this 1,000 square foot area back and forth and about 8 minutes later 2 hens and a rooster pop up in front of my buddy, startles him and he misses! We couldn't believe how long they held in there and how many times we must have nearly stepped on them! Missed rooster and we never found the boot. (I would steer clear of the RuffWear Polar Trex dog boots, haven't liked them since I bought them, they don't stay on)

Sunday and Monday got rather windy from 11am to 3pm, also hit at least 62 degrees each day. The dogs couldn't follow scents and they were pretty confused and disinterested. Not optimal hunting conditions. If only we could have stayed out for this frigid snow storm! Oh well, it's still better than any day at work!

Best of luck to most of you, hope we can improve our habitat in CO so we can turn these pheasant numbers around. (Charge a fee for WIA again and use the money for water systems or habitat! DUH!)

re: dog booties

try peeling off a half-width strip of duct tape and wrap it completely around the Velcro straps. take the other half and wrap it near the top of the upper, again completely around.

I use muttluks. try the Internet for cheapest prices. I can sometimes find them for $20 per set of 4.
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re: dog booties

try peeling off a half-width strip of duct tape and wrap it completely around the Velcro straps. take the other half and wrap it near the top of the upper, again completely around.

I use muttluks. try the Internet for cheapest prices. I can sometimes find them for $20 per set of 4.

Thanks 7ex. I've tried this and I've even wrapped CoFlex around the boots and up the leg a bit. I think its the boots, RuffWear has a great idea but they just don't work, bummer because they are expensive. You have to crank those straps down pretty tight to get them to stay on, but then my dog is clearly uncomfortable and won't move. I'll continue my search for the perfect hunting dog boot, maybe give muttluks a try. ;)
I'm a bit hesitant to post again.....
...We hunted Yuma county Sat, Sun, Mon and came back empty handed :( I didn't even fire my gun! There were 8 of us on Sat and Sun, then just 2 on Monday.

Thanks for posting anyway. :) I hunted Yuma on Monday too, managed to get 2 really easy shots and one harder one, & i killed the second easy shot. I think 90% of our hunting was on private land though, so the hunting pressure wasn't too bad. Although, the place that i actually killed the rooster was in a little shelter belt on the side of the road, the kind that everyone with a shotgun runs through when they drive by (i assume), so it was kind of surprising. I've gone to Yuma twice this year and killed a pheasant each time, so it's not too awfully terrible; i already beat my last season.

Have a couple of these together everyone! !

I appreciate all a y'all!...I also REALLY like that pdfmaps app!!! Way cool....THANKS!!!

On another note, has anyone else noticed how many properties around Amherst are just slightly off? I was driving around on Thanksgiving morn and i found about 7-8 that are slightly off...like a quarter mile or so off. I was out "covering" some of the wheat props in the WIA and found them to not quite be where the cropland report showed them.