downfall of mankind


New member
i think i finally figured out how mankind screwed away all his free time. man use to live in caves and hunt all day. one day a cave man killed a huge mammoth. since they ate the thing and used its skin for clothes they had nothing to stuff and hang on the wall. well this proud caveman decided to paint a picture of it on the cave wall. this way he could show it to all his fellow men. cavewoman had a bad day and came home and saw the painting on the wall and boy was she pissed.!!!! she then realized that walls can be PAINTED:eek: this is why we now have 150 shades of white paint and we get screwed out of hunting and fishing time. guess what i have been doing. &^%&^$&%^$ painting the deck
Ever since they made it illegal to grab them by the hair and drag them in the bedroom. The world has been on a down hill slide...:(