Dog's Eyes Help


New member
Hey Guys;
Had an intense day of hunting yesterday.
Need advice, my pup's eyes are very red and watery. what can I apply to help ease this. Obviously has a lot of dust or seed material however I can not see anything big in here.

Any Advice appreciated

I've always use just eye wash. And a drop of visine.
I just had my dog at the vet last week and asked her about something I just read in my September NAVHDA magazine. The vet that writes each month in the magazine was discussing what should be in a dog first aid kit. One of the items the vet suggested to add was a small tube of KY jelly. One of its uses was to be an emergency eye ointment. My vet said because it was a sterile water soluble product it should work fine but only use a fresh tube. I haven't tried it yet but figure it might give a little longer relief to the dogs eyes than just flushing them out. I'm putting it in the first aid kit. If you try it and it seems to help let me know.
Thanks to everyone

I have flushed his eyes about three times today. Still an awful lot of redness at the base of the eyeball. The mucous and discharge is quieted down quite a bit.

Thanks for all the advice.
A lot of the commercial eye relief products actually make the eye, both human and canine dependent upon their continued use. You can over moisturize with the result is the eye loses it's ability to create it's own moisture. So use some restraint. I have had good luck with both horses and dogs with tetracycline eye ointment.