Dog Hunting (PLEASE HELP)


New member
Is there any laws with dog hunting in IA on public or private land? I've got a Beagle I'm training to pheasant hunt. Would like to know befor I take her out this year. Also for squirrl and rabbit.

Thanks. Is there anything against someone walking with you while you pheasant hunt? My girlfriend has no liscense and won't have a gun. Is it illegal if she walks with me? Thanks
In Iowa and in most states, you need a license if you are "participating" in the hunt. This is up to the discretion of the officer. So, if you wife is handling ammunition, driving, working the dogs, picking up dead game or anything to aid in the hunt, even though she doesn't have a gun, she needs to be licensed. In this case, I think she would because she is walking with you and could possibly jump a bird that you would shoot.
Not sure about individual states, but some require a health certificate for the dog which would include up-to-date shot record. Your vet can get that for you pretty quick...mine does it for no charge; I know, hard to believe, a vet that does something for free...:)