Deuce etiquette

To protect the names of the innocent, they will be left out. I heard about "Jim" leaving the group during a hunt, to "check out a patch of weeds." When finished, he used a milk bone to "clean up" with as that was all he had. Relatively uneventful until prized hunting dog found said milk bone when walking the same field the next day!
Please don't do the 2 at a public walk in area!

I found more TP scattered to the wind at places I stopped to hunt this year. Dogs will find it, eat it or roll in it. That really sucks. Scumbags!
When in nature do as the animals do and just go. I always keep wipe in my hunting vests/jackets. It's pretty common actually. I find it more difficult to find cover in pheasant country but when grouse hunting you can go anywhere. I can't imagine a hunter not pooping regularly outdoors. It gets MUCH trickier fishing......
When in nature do as the animals do and just go. I always keep wipe in my hunting vests/jackets. It's pretty common actually. I find it more difficult to find cover in pheasant country but when grouse hunting you can go anywhere. I can't imagine a hunter not pooping regularly outdoors. It gets MUCH trickier fishing......
I agree.Even out goose hunting in a grain field, you just go in nto a low area.