Crp land

How does one find CRP land. Are there maps
Available. Thanks in advance for any help

What kind of CRP land are you looking for and what state? Are you looking for CRP public hunting, private ground to obtain permission, land for sale...? Keep in mind that not all walk-in areas are CRP. You can try aerial maps, for better answer see an "aerial maps" post on this site. All the best.
What kind of CRP land are you looking for and what state? Are you looking for CRP public hunting, private ground to obtain permission, land for sale...? Keep in mind that not all walk-in areas are CRP. You can try aerial maps, for better answer see an "aerial maps" post on this site. All the best.

Ya, sorry mine was for CO, but many states put out smiler maps.
Land in CRP (a USDA program) nationwide is all private land and permission is required to hunt it unless it happens to be enrolled in a state's walk-in hunting program. Whether landowners elect to allow public hunting on CRP land by enrolling it in a state's walk-in hunting program is entirely up to them. I use "walk-in" to mean any state program that enrolls private land for public hunting. In Nebraska, in the past all public walk-in hunting land was in CRP because that is all NE would enroll (but not all NE CRP land was enrolled in the program; some landowners did not want the public hunting their land). Just recently NE started enrolling some crop land in the SW in its walk-in program although the great majority of it is still CRP. In Kansas, some walk-in is in CRP. KS will, however, enroll any land in the walk-in program, whether CRP, cropland, wooded, or pasture, so long as it has sufficient game on it. All states that have a walk-in program publish maps before the season showing where the plots are. A look on Google Earth might help you determine if a particular plot is in CRP. Summarizing, CRP land is only open to public hunting if the landowner has elected to enroll it in a state's walk-in hunting program.
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Land in CRP nationwide is all private land and permission is required to hunt it unless it happens to be enrolled in a state's walk-in hunting program. Whether a landowner elects to open land in CRP, or any other land, to public hunting by enrolling it in a state's walk-in hunting program is entirely up to them. I use "walk-in" to describe any state program that enrolls private land for public hunting. In Nebraska, in the past all public walk-in hunting land was in CRP because that is all NE would enroll (but not all CRP land was enrolled in the program). Just recently NE started enrolling some crop land in the SW in its walk-in program although the great majority of it is still CRP. In Kansas, some walk-in is in CRP. KS will, however, enroll any land in the walk-in program, whether CRP, cropland, wooded, or pasture, so long as it has sufficient game on it. Summarizing, CRP land is only open to public hunting if the landowner has elected to enroll it in a state's walk-in hunting program.

Brit, the one exception that I know of is the Jim River CREP CRP in South Dakota. I think game and fish supports this and might also have listings of locations too. Saw some of this south of Mitchell and cover looked pretty good. This program is open access CRP.
In SD, most of the CRP will be part of a pay-hunt operation. It is rare indeed to find good huntable CRP in any WIA areas. With high corn prices for ethanol, CRP acres left for hunting could become extinct in the near future. And those of us old enough to remember, know what the bird numbers were without CRP.