Land in CRP nationwide is all private land and permission is required to hunt it unless it happens to be enrolled in a state's walk-in hunting program. Whether a landowner elects to open land in CRP, or any other land, to public hunting by enrolling it in a state's walk-in hunting program is entirely up to them. I use "walk-in" to describe any state program that enrolls private land for public hunting. In Nebraska, in the past all public walk-in hunting land was in CRP because that is all NE would enroll (but not all CRP land was enrolled in the program). Just recently NE started enrolling some crop land in the SW in its walk-in program although the great majority of it is still CRP. In Kansas, some walk-in is in CRP. KS will, however, enroll any land in the walk-in program, whether CRP, cropland, wooded, or pasture, so long as it has sufficient game on it. Summarizing, CRP land is only open to public hunting if the landowner has elected to enroll it in a state's walk-in hunting program.